The judicial interpretation of the Federal Supreme Court on climate constitutionalism
a case study on ADPF Nº 708 on the climate fund
National Climate Change Fund, Climate constitutionalism, Court InterpretationAbstract
This paper presents an in-depth study of the decisions and arguments raised in the Direct Action for the Declaration of Unconstitutionality of Fundamental Precept (ADPF) nº 708 of the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court (STF), which addressed the National Climate Change Fund (climate background). The aim is to demonstrate the main legal impacts of the decision on the recognition of climatic constitutionalism. The theme is justified due to its relevance and timeliness, as climate change has become a constant concern in society, leading to an increasingly frequent role of the Judiciary in holding parties accountable, mitigating, and adapting to such changes. Through theoretical, bibliographic, and documentary research, employing deductive and genealogical, thematic, interpretive, and systematic analysis methods, it is concluded that the Supreme Court House's interpretation in ADPF nº 708 plays a significant role in advancing climatic constitutionalism in Brazil. Through this decision, Brazilian jurisprudence recognizes the fundamental nature of the right to a balanced climate, reinforces the importance of international commitments and the duty of state protection, and strengthens judicial oversight of climate and environmental policies. This approach establishes a favorable framework for the continuous improvement of policies and practices related to climate change in the country, contributing to a more sustainable and resilient future.
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