Competence to issue permits for cutting and suppressing vegetation
the conflict between the environmental competence law and the atlantic forest law
Environmental authority, Environmental licensing, Cutting authorization, Vegetation suppression, Atlantic ForestAbstract
Complementary Law 140/2011, known as the Environmental Competencies Law, comes up at a time of considerable legal instability, with unanimous agreement among legal practitioners regarding the need for a new regulation. Among the innovations of the law, we highlight the provision for the occurrence of environmental licensing by a single federative entity, and the attribution of competence for the licensing body to authorize the cutting and suppression of vegetation. In that regard, in this article we analyze the potential conflict between the provisions of the Atlantic Forest Law (Law 11.528/2006) and the Environmental Competence Law, addressing which jurisdiction regime is applicable in the case of enterprises subject to environmental licensing and to authorization for vegetation cutting within the Atlantic Forest Biome.
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