Curricular transversality proposal for the execution of environmental education actions developed in elementary school in a school in bahia’s recôncavo
environmental actions, Critical environmental education, Curricular transversalityAbstract
Environmental Education presents itself as one of the ways of coping with socio-environmental problems even under a range of possible approaches. Thus, the present study was based on the critical aspect of Environmental Education as a way of responding to the problem: how can a proposal for a curricular transversality for Environmental Education actions be generated in the pedagogical practices of the 6th year in order to enable more effective socio-environmental thinking ? For that, the objective was to elaborate a proposal of curricular transversality for the creation of a positive socio-environmental conscience. The qualitative approach of exploratory-descriptive character from a bibliographical and documentary research was the path taken. The research data were analyzed through content analysis with careful and in-depth reading of the document, taking into account the following aspects: context, author, authenticity and reliability of the text, nature of the text, key concepts and the internal logic of the text. The study concluded that the institution still had a conservationist and naturalist vision of Environmental Education. It was thus arrived at the elaboration of a proposal of curricular transversality for the realization of Environmental Education, in a critical way, with a transforming character and with possibilities of carrying out more effective socio-environmental actions, based on the assumption of teaching through transversality in accordance with the school curriculum adopted. It was understood that there is a possibility that, with the proposal of curricular transversality, there is the beginning of a new sustainable socio-environmental reality, making use of the most variable forms of approach that enable reflection, criticality and the transformation of the socio-environmental context.
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