

climate litigation; green criminology; corporate-state crime; climate crime.


The article presents the following problem: can the actions and omissions of the federal government under the Bolsonaro administration, together with the actions of economic actors, which contribute to the climate crisis through the degradation of the Amazon Forest, be identified as crimes? The overall objective was to analyze the dismantling of environmental and climate policy, as well as the criminal ecosystem in the Brazilian Amazon, from the theoretical perspective of climate change criminology and, consequently, the social and legal recognition of climate crimes. The methodology was inductive in nature under the point of view of legal hermeneutics, with bibliographical and documental research techniques being adopted. As a result, the research pointed to the existence of five climate crimes, namely, greenhouse gas emissions, political omission, denial, empire and ecocide, and all these criminal types can be recognized, socially and legally.

Author Biographies


Associate Professor at the Federal University of Campina Grande. Visiting Professor at the University of Alicante. Postdoctoral degree in Law from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Postdoctoral in Water Management from the University of Alicante, Spain. Post-Doctorate in Regional Development from the State University of Paraíba. Postdoctoral fellow at the René Rachou Institute, Fiocruz Minas Gerais in the research group Privaqua. Doctor in Social Sciences. Doctor in Law and Development. CNPq Productivity Researcher, level 2. Master in Sociology. Specialist in Management of Public Organizations. Specialist in Business Law. Graduated in Legal Sciences. Collaborating Professor of the Masters in Public Administration, permanent in the Masters in Management and Regulation of Water Resources, both from UFCG, permanent in the Masters in Regional Development, from UEPB and in the Graduate Program in Legal Sciences from UFPB, Masters and Doctorate. Member of the WATERLAT research network. Researcher at the JUST-Side Network (Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología). Member of the Brazilian Society of Intelligent Design. Member of the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) WCEL (World Commission on Environmental Law). E-mail: or

Marcelo Bruno Bedoni de Sousa, Universidade Federal do Paraíba

Mestrando em Ciências Jurídicas na Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), na área de concentração em Direito Econômico e na linha de pesquisa em Direitos Sociais, Biodireito e Sustentabilidade Sociambiental, com a orientação na dissertação do Prof. Dr. Irivaldo Oliveira e coorientação do Prof. Dr. Talden Farias. Participa do grupo de pesquisa Gestão Pública e Cidades Inteligentes, da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG), liderado pelo Prof. Dr. Irivaldo Oliveira. Estagiário docente em Direito Ambiental (manhã e noite), disciplina do Curso de Direito da UFPB, com a supervisão do Prof. Dr. Talden Farias. Membro do corpo editorial da Prim@ Facie: Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Jurídicas da UFPB (Qualis B1). Bacharel em Direito na Universidade Federal de Roraima (UFRR), com a orientação na monografia do Prof. Dr. Fernando Xavier. Durante a graduação, foi Presidente do Centro Acadêmico de Direito Teresa Cristina Evangelista (CADTCE), de 2017 até 2019, e realizou estudos na Institución Universitária de Envigado (IUE), na Colômbia. Membro da Latin American Climate Lawyers Initiative for Mobilizing Action (LACLIMA) e do Fridays For Future (FFF). Bolsista da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). Desenvolve pesquisas, especialmente, em litigância climática, políticas públicas climáticas, governança climática e licenciamento ambiental.


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How to Cite

Alves Oliveira Silva , J. I., & Bedoni de Sousa, M. B. (2024). THE BRAZILIAN AMAZON AND THE CRIMINOLOGY OF CLIMATE CHANGE: : CRIMINAL ANSWERS FOR FOREST EATERS. Revista Direito Ambiental E Sociedade, 13(03). Retrieved from