Tutelary councils of animal protection
a necessary or fallacious public policy?
Conselho Tutelar, Direito dos Animais, Políticas PúblicasAbstract
This work aims to demonstrate, Animal Protection Guardianship Councils creation necessity. As guiding hypotesis it’s implementation is needed due to the shift on affective relationship human-animal, which has been gradually entreching a new family “multispecies” basis, alreadyroo being statistically relevant on new family arrangements. Its adopted comparative methodology based upon legal-historic Guardianship Council of protection of children and youth construction, in a way to parameterize an exemplary formulation to function attainment of Animal Protection Guardianship Councils. Therefore, defending the need of a council is based on animal protection relevance, by being non-jurisdictional, autonomous and permanent, as well as function rooted by civil participation, through election to members selection. Its concluded, attedind the need of animal protection extension emerged within society, councils are an appropriate institutional tool.
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