Hydrogen and the decarbonization of the economy
an analysis focused on Article 4 of Law Project n. 725 of 2022
Decarbonization, Law and new technologies, Efficiency, HydrogenAbstract
Based on a research problem that asks “How does the prediction of article 4 of Law Project (LP) 725 of 2022 relate to the objective of decarbonizing the Brazilian economy in practice?”, the work discusses the hypothesis that an error has been made in the current wording of article 4 of the aforementioned bill based on the presentation of a structure that analyzes the relationship between social expectations focused on scientific knowledge and what scientific knowledge presents in practice. The development of the work is divided into two sections, the first being aimed at verifying the dissonance between scientific discourse and public opinion and the second analyzing what scientific knowledge has to say about hydrogen as an energy vector in itself. The work concludes that the current wording of article 4 of LP 725/2022 has a problem (lack of criteria) capable of making the implementation of the measure of application of percentage of hydrogen in Brazilian gas pipelines a counterproductive operation for the decarbonization process of the economy.
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