Internship experiences: experiencing teaching
internship, experiences, teachingAbstract
Becoming a teacher these days has been increasingly challenging. The technology that permeates Brazilian society has brought broad access to information for each and every person, making teachers need to adapt their classes to the new reality, bringing new resources to the classroom. In addition, it is remarkable the difficulty that teachers and school face with the conditions of infrastructures, load and financial problems. The stages of the degree courses allow the student to experience and participate in this reality, being able to prepare for the life of teaching later. The present work has the objective of reporting the experiences of internships in the biology course, reflecting how the activities developed and the difficulties and opinions about them contributed to the teacher training. It is remarkable that with the access to technology, schools need to review their ways of learning. Students are no longer satisfied with just a traditional classroom, requiring the use of creativity, creating more dynamic and practical classes. The practical classes demonstrated an interest on the part of the students, having a good use for them. In addition to formal practice, training in biological sciences allows us to act in the informal field. The informal field has shown that educational activities of dissemination of scientifically based information to the general population can change people's thinking and behavior, promoting more sustainable attitudes.
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