Journal of Applied Science2024-11-24T16:40:43-03:00Matheus Polettorevista.rica@ucs.brOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>Novas submissões são aceitas no Portal de Periódicos da Universidade de Caxias do Sul disponível em:</strong></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p> and implementation of environmental education actions on urban solid waste in a municipality in the Serra Gaúcha/RS-BR2024-05-15T16:49:53-03:00Marina Elizabete Zorgemezorge@ucs.brBianca Bredabbreda@ucs.brMaria Teresa Serafinimtvcserafini@ucs.brÉrica Formaio Ramoseframos1@ucs.brJuliano Rodrigues Gimenezjuliano.gimenez@ucs.brDenise Peresindperesin@ucs.brGeise Macedo dos Santosgmsantos5@ucs.brTiago<p>This article addresses the growing concern about the global environmental crisis, with a special focus on the challenges of urban solid waste, exacerbated by industrialization, urbanization, and changes in consumption patterns. In Farroupilha/RS, the excessive production and poor management of solid waste, along with the impacts on the local landfill, stand out as pressing issues. Environmental education, supported by Brazil's National Policy on Environmental Education (PNEA) and the National Policy on Solid Waste (PNRS), is presented as a crucial solution. The study develops and applies an environmental education methodology in Farroupilha, inspired by Ausubel's Theory of Meaningful Learning. This approach integrated theoretical and practical elements to raise awareness about the proper separation and disposal of solid waste. Implemented during the Environment Week, it involved children and adolescents, mainly scouts, in interactive activities including presentations, case studies, and practical exercises in waste separation. The results showed a significant understanding of the young audience about solid waste and their potential to improve waste separation practices in the municipality. Most participants were able to correctly separate the waste, despite challenges with mixed-material items. The article suggests the continuation of local environmental education actions. It concludes that environmental education, in line with PNEA and PNRS, is effective in increasing environmental awareness and encouraging community participation in waste management. The experience in Farroupilha highlights the importance of incorporating real data and concrete practices in educational activities, strengthening the connection between theory and reality, and promoting a sustainable approach.</p>2024-11-11T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Marina Elizabete Zorge, Bianca Breda, Maria Teresa Serafini, Érica Formaio Ramos, Juliano Rodrigues Gimenez, Denise Peresin, Geise Macedo dos Santos, Tiago Panizzon of a methodology for choosing suitable areas for the installation of landfills in the state of Rio Grande do Sul2024-09-23T10:10:24-03:00Bianca Bredabbreda@ucs.brVANIA ELISABETE SCHNEIDERveschnei@ucs.brTIAGO PANIZZONtpanizzo@ucs.brTACIANE POLESELLO KESTIEStpkesties@ucs.brBRUNA<p>Sanitary landfills are defined as an appropriate method for disposing of waste from human activities. However, the selection of a suitable location for the establishment of such a facility must be carried out in a planned and careful manner, given the associated socio-environmental impacts. The objective of this study was to propose a methodology for selecting suitable areas for the installation of urban solid waste sanitary landfills, using the municipality of Bento Gonçalves/RS as a case study. For this purpose, federal, state, and municipal legislation, as well as specific guidelines and technical standards, were reviewed. As a result, a total of 22 indicators were established, categorized into three different criteria: Technical-Environmental, Technical-Economic, and Political-Social. The priorities for meeting the indicators were determined by evaluating them in the categories: Unacceptable, Adequate, Good, and Excellent. Based on this, the weights of each category and each criterion were defined. The final classification is determined by a scoring system, in which the site with the highest score is selected, while those categorized as "Unacceptable" are discarded. The developed methodology allowed for the analysis of a wide variety of indicators to select the most appropriate site for the installation and operation of sanitary landfills, with the potential to be safely applied in other municipalities, taking into account the specific characteristics of each location.</p>2024-12-04T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Bianca Breda, VANIA ELISABETE SCHNEIDER, TIAGO PANIZZON, TACIANE POLESELLO KESTIES, BRUNA PAESE of antibiotics form water by nanofiltration2024-01-08T19:25:14-03:00Alexandre Guillermo Hammes Varelalghvarela5@gmail.comAndréa Moura<p>Conventional methods usually employed in water and wastewater treatment plants have presented low effectiveness in removing antibiotics and other contaminants of emerging concern. Therefore, in view of the problems associated with these contaminants (toxicity, carcinogenic potential, development of bacteria that are super resistant to antibiotics, endocrine disruption, etc.), it is necessary to study new technologies for treating water and wastewater. In this context, the present study evaluates nanofiltration, a membrane technology, for removing three widely consumed antibiotics (Tetracycline, Norfloxacin and Sulfamethoxazole) from water. The NF270 membrane (DOW – FilmTec), a polyamide membrane with a molecular weight cut-off of 400 Da, was used and evaluated in terms of productivity and ability to remove antibiotics at pressures from 2 to 8 bar. High productivity was obtained, with permeate fluxes around 100 kg h<sup>–1</sup> m<sup>–2</sup> at a pressure of 8 bar, and antibiotic removals of up to 95%, demonstrating the effectiveness of nanofiltration in removing these contaminants. It is important to point out that under the evaluated conditions, no fouling of the membrane was observed, a very important fact as it allows for a longer useful life of the membranes, reducing operation and maintenance costs.</p>2024-05-29T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Alexandre Giacobbo, Sr. Luis, Andréa current state and prospects of development of the European Commission's grant programs for the implementation of joint Ukraine-EU projects2024-11-24T16:40:43-03:00Mariana Kobelia-Zvirmariana_kobelia-zvir@sci-univ.comOlga Vovchakvovchak.olga@meta.uaIgor Mishchukigmislog@ukr.netYurii<p>This article analyzes the use of European Commission grant programs in the implementation of joint EU-Ukraine projects and identifies further opportunities to attract European Commission grants to finance projects in Ukraine. The authors reveal the main opportunities for the use of European grants for the government and the community to develop entrepreneurship in Ukraine. The goals and priorities of the European Commission's programs are demonstrated, namely: Horizon Europe, Creative Europe, Erasmus+, Digital Europe Program, EU4Health Program, Program for the Environment and Climate Action, Single Market Program, Connecting Europe Facility, Union Civil Protection Mechanism, and Euratom Research and Training program. Using the methods of collecting and processing information, analytical work and the method of substantiation, the intermediate research objectives were achieved, in particular, the main performance indicators of the European Commission's programs for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, representatives of executive authorities and local self-government, education and medicine in Ukraine through the implementation of joint EU-Ukraine projects were analyzed. The main reasons for the lack of active participation of potential grantees from Ukraine in the European Commission's programs were identified, including: lack of understanding among potential grantees about who, what, and how they can receive a grant; acute shortage of professional project managers, grantwriters, and fundraisers; and the obligation to partner. Methods and mechanisms for overcoming the main obstacles that stand in the way of representatives of the public, for-profit and non-profit sectors on the way to obtaining grant instruments of the European Commission were also proposed.</p>2024-12-06T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mariana Kobelia-Zvir, Olga Vovchak, Igor Mishchuk, Yurii Zvir of the effects of environmental enrichment techniques for tayras (Eira barbara Linnaeus, 1758) kept in captive conditions2024-07-22T10:04:54-03:00Daniele Rodrigues Machadodrmachado2@ucs.brGuilherme Brambatti Guzzo<p><em>Under captive conditions, there are innumerable factors that disadvantage the animal and favor the development of stereotyped behaviors. Therefore, it is necessary to try to satisfy in the best way possible the basic needs of the animals, adopting alternatives for the improvement of their well-being. In this work we developed techniques of environmental enrichment for individuals of tayras (Eira barbara) under captive conditions. The objective was to evaluate whether the application of environmental enrichment techniques would provide benefits and improve the well-being of the animals. The data were collected at Projeto Lontra, located in Florianópolis/SC, and obtained by means of frequency records of two behaviors and analysis of the activity pattern, related to how the animal distributed its time before, during, and after the performance of the enrichment techniques. We carried out 51 h of observation, 25.5 h for each individual. As a result, similar differences were observed in relation to the frequency of stereotyped behaviors in situations before, during, and after enrichment. Nevertheless, it was possible to observe an increase in the frequency of behaviors considered closer to those the animals exhibit in nature, through exposure to enrichment, showing the importance of environmental enrichment for the Eira barbara species.</em></p>2024-11-18T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Daniele Rodrigues Machado, Guilherme Brambatti Guzzo use of superplasticizer for concentrated slurry density control2024-04-16T15:09:35-03:00Annaguly<p> Given the constant development of the oil and gas industry and increasing requirements for well drilling efficiency, the study of concentrated slurry density control is critical to ensure drilling processes’ safety and stability and prevent adverse environmental impacts. The study aims to investigate the possibility of using an additive to pure Portland cemented slurry to form high-density concentrated slurry. The mentioned groups are crucial for creating robust cement formulations to line the wellbore at intervals with abnormally high pressure effectively. Laboratory experiments were conducted utilizing various equipment such as the ZM-1003 consistometer, “Sroki” autoclave, “Vicat apparatus,” and AzNII cone. These experiments were based on standard methodologies for analyzing cement slurry and paste properties. During these tests, a particular reagent was introduced, demonstrating the ability to plasticize cement slurries, enhancing their fluidity and enabling precise control over the density of concentrated slurries. The laboratory findings regarding the control of concentrated slurry density were particularly noteworthy. These experiments involved analyzing compositions consisting of pure Portland cement and cement slurries augmented with the hyperplasticizer reagent. The results underscored this additive’s significance in enhancing cement slurry properties, offering improved fluidity and enabling effective density control. This contextualization highlights the pivotal role of the mentioned reagent in optimizing cement formulations for the challenging conditions encountered in well drilling and cementing operations. The added reagent was found to effectively plasticize the pastes, increasing their fluidity and reducing the water-cement ratio, which leads to the formation of paste with increased strength. The results of industrial testing of the reagent during cementing of production string in one of the wells confirmed the possibility of preparing concentrated slurry with a density of 2.4 g/cm³, thus ensuring successful cementing operations under high-pressure conditions. This study provides practical value for well drilling companies and cementing service providers, justifying the use of reagent-hyperplasticiser in concentrated slurries, which opens new perspectives for the creation of high-strength cement slurries when drilling wells, especially in conditions of abnormally high-pressure zones, thus improving cementing technologies and providing more reliable casing slurry strength.</p>2024-06-26T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Annaguly Deryaev A potential diagnostic and prognostic biomarker in gastric cancer2024-08-15T15:49:22-03:00Bianca de Andrade Lopesbiaalopes2003@gmail.comFernanda Pessi de Abreufpabreu1@ucs.brPedro Lenz Casaplcasa@ucs.brMarcos Vinícius Rossettorossettomarcos@gmail.comScheila de Avila e<p class="western" align="justify"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman, serif;"><span style="font-size: xx-small;">Gastric cancer is the fourth most common and third deadliest cancer worldwide. Patients are usually asymptomatic or do not show specific symptoms during initial stages, which may hamper the diagnosis. A previous study identified 39 genes with biomarker potential in gastric cancer, among them the GPNMB gene. In this context, the objective of this study was to explore GPNMB as a prognostic and diagnostic biomarker for gastric cancer. Expression data was extracted from Gene Expression Omnibus (GSE33335 and GSE54129) and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA-STAD). Data acquisition, preprocessing and statistical analyses were performed with an inhouse developed tool. The K-means and decision tree algorithms were applied for determining the potential of the gene as a diagnostic biomarker, whereas the survival analysis verified the influence of expression on prognosis. GPNMB expression was higher in tumoral tissue samples when compared to non-tumoral adjacent tissue (NT). K-means allowed formation of independent groups with normal and NT samples. Similarly, samples were correctly classified into normal and NT tissue groups with the decision tree according to expression values. Additionally, the survival analyses showed that the high expression of the GPNMB gene is associated with a worse prognosis. This research provided evidence on the potential of GPNMB as a biomarker for gastric cancer, given the gene demonstrated an important role in disease development. </span></span></p>2024-11-12T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Bianca de Andrade Lopes, Fernanda Pessi de Abreu, Pedro Lenz Casa, Marcos Vinícius Rossetto, Scheila de Avila e Silva characteristics of allergic reactions to seeds and analysis of prevalence and severity2024-04-16T12:13:50-03:00Maria Zofia<p>Seeds allergens are widespread factors of food allergy, for the targeted treatment of which accurate identification of the provoking product is necessary. Clinical cases of allergy to seeds, which are manifested by an allergic syndrome, are quite common. The purpose of the study was to determine the prevalence of allergic reactions to seeds, as well as to study clinical cases to better understand the causes of seed allergies and their prevention. To this end, this study selected 146 published scientific papers that were relevant to the topic of seed allergy and met all the criteria. Of these, 46 studies were studied and analysed, which were available in English and published in the public domain on various databases. The biological characteristics of these seeds, their distribution in the world, and their use in various spheres of life were studied in detail. The results of the study determined that pumpkin and fenugreek seeds cause the least number of allergic reactions, followed by poppy seeds sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds provoke the remaining reactions. The degree of damage caused by an allergic reaction can vary from the mildest in the form of hives and food reactions to severe anaphylactic reactions and even death. Thus, the collection of complaints, medical history, family and allergic history is an important part of the diagnosis, but additional methods of examination in the form of skin tests, determination of specific immunoglobulin E and experimental testing with certain seeds are crucial in the diagnosis.</p>2024-06-26T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Zofia Lisiecka economy development in the context of war: Global challenges2024-05-09T08:14:16-03:00Olena Dovgaloidovgal@ukr.netNatalia Potryvaieva potryvaieva@outlook.comOleksandr Bilichenko bilichenko79@meta.uaVitalii Kuzoma<p>The problem of resource scarcity is one of the most pressing in the world, and therefore conserving them through the introduction of a circular economy is an important factor in human development. The full-scale war in Ukraine, which began in February 2022, has had a significant impact on Europe’s energy balance, and the importance of implementing a circular economy has grown even more. The study aims to investigate the impact of the war on the implementation of resource efficiency programmes in Ukraine and the European Union. The methods used in the research process include analysis, synthesis, and statistical research. In addition, the method of open-source intelligence and the method of remote online survey were used as part of the empirical research. As a result, the dynamics of harmful emissions into the atmosphere and water resources of Ukraine from 2015 to 2022 were determined, which revealed a pronounced downward trend. The actual production of clean energy, the dynamics of fossil fuel use and the amount of carbon emissions in the European Union were also analysed, which showed positive development. In the process, data on relocated Ukrainian enterprises that were moved away from the combat line to safer regions was used. The survey received qualified responses from the heads of large Ukrainian industries on the current situation with the implementation of measures to introduce a circular economy, the dynamics of financing these processes in recent years, and the impact of digitalisation of production processes on business efficiency during full-scale hostilities. The respondents’ answers were mostly positive about the existing measures and prospects. The practical significance of the study is to highlight the priorities of Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction in the context of the circular economy concept.</p>2024-05-29T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Olena Dovgal, Natalia Potryvaieva , Oleksandr Bilichenko , Vitalii Kuzoma factors and trends in information addiction development among youth in modern societies2024-02-27T14:48:45-03:00Yuliia M. Krasilovayuliiakrasilova@mruni.euHennadii A.<p>The primary sociopsychological factors of the current spread of information addiction are as follows: expanded access to information, the popularity of social networks, marketing influence, Fear of Missing Out (hereinafter - FOMO) syndrome, which is a fear of lagging behind events or losing opportunities, desire for positive feedback and constant monitoring of news, and feelings of loneliness and depression. In this context, research in the fields of psychology, sociology, medicine, and related sciences that analyze the changes in human behavior regarding information consumption are relevant. This change may be manifested as satisfaction of the social need for moderately consumed information or as a psychological disorder – excessive consumption of information that harms the mental health of a person. Children, adolescents, and youth are the social groups that are the most vulnerable to information addiction in modern societies. The relevance of studying sociopsychological factors of information addiction is determined by the need to constantly monitor, prevent, forecast, and solve the problems of information addiction facing young generations to improve their quality of life, mental health, and full social integration into society.</p>2024-05-29T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yuliia M. Krasilova, Hennadii A. Chernykh on the impact of artificial intelligence on financial security in the context of modern technological challenges2024-07-22T10:08:25-03:00Shaip Gashishagashi@outlook.comTamara Imaralieva tamaraimara@outlook.comSanzhar Abdykadyrov abdykadyrovresearcher@outlook.comErmeka Lailieva Lailieva78@outlook.comFarid Babayev<p>The ambiguous nature of the consequences of the introduction of artificial intelligence necessitates the investigation of its benefits and risks in the context of financial security. The purpose of this study was to assess the existing prospects and risks of introducing artificial intelligence in the area of financial security of companies and institutions and to develop mechanisms to mitigate the identified problems. The study employed the statistical method, the predictive method, the descriptive method, the methods of analysis and synthesis, and the qualitative method. The study identified the main promising areas for the introduction of artificial intelligence, including detecting anomalies, improving payment procedures, authenticating documents, minimising errors, providing advice on making best investment decisions. The principal disadvantages identified included risks to the security of information and personal data, the risk of bias, injustice and discrimination, job displacement, and the loss of people’s working skills. But of particular concern are the long-term global consequences of artificial intelligence’s impact on society as a whole, and doubts about the ability to control it. To mitigate the identified risks, the study proposed to use the Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SM&CR) tool, which makes it possible to hold employees accountable for their behaviour and competence. The need was also emphasised for the company’s management to be fully aware of all aspects of artificial intelligence implementation, including its type, associated risks, opportunities, impact on all stakeholders. The findings of this study can be useful in the practice of companies and institutions planning to implement artificial intelligence to raise awareness of the benefits, risks and their minimisation.</p>2024-10-01T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Shaip Gashi, Tamara Imaralieva , Sanzhar Abdykadyrov , Ermeka Lailieva , Farid Babayev of grant support for higher education under martial law2024-02-27T14:56:19-03:00Anastasiia Nazarchuka.nazar4uck30111406@gmail.comRostyslav Shchokinrg.shchokin@gmail.comOlga O. Korniienkoolga_korniyenko@sci-academy.ccHerasym<p>The study aims to determine the possible ways to implement grant support for higher education under the legal regime of martial law. The achievement of the aim set implies solving such research problems as identifying the legal framework for grant activities at the national level and the characteristics of the application of national and international experience. The methodological framework of the study encompassed general and special methods of scientific knowledge, including the method of scientific observation, analysis-synthesis, methods of processing, comprehension, and interpretation, dialectical method, formal-logical method, and structural-functional method. The authors concluded that there was no standard procedure for implementing grant activities in the field of higher education. It is possible to increase the positive effect of the attraction of private entities to the sphere of higher education and its improvement if human-centric approaches to grant activities duly enshrined in the legislation are systematically adhered to.</p>2024-05-29T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Anastasiia Nazarchuk, Rostyslav Shchokin, Olga O. Korniienko, Herasym Dei, Iryna Skliar analysis of current strategies for financial and food support of military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and NATO member states2024-07-22T10:06:28-03:00Oleh Semenenkooleh-sem@ukr.netNatalia Ilina nataliailina@meta.uaRoman Voytsehovskiy r.voytseh@meta.uaVitalii Kostrach vitalii-kostrach@outlook.comSerhii Stolinets<p>The urgency of conducting the research is due to the fact that, in the wake of the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine, one of the urgent problems is the issue of the material support of the army. Based on this, the purpose of the work is to conduct a comparative analysis of the modern policies of Ukraine and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries in providing the armed forces in the material and product aspects. For this, such methods as logical analysis, formal-legal, dogmatic, legal hermeneutics, deductions, and others were used. In the course of the research, it was highlighted that the introduction of NATO standards in the security and defence sector of Ukraine is a difficult task, as post-Soviet principles are currently operating in it. For a successful transition to NATO standards, it is necessary to comprehensively revise and update the legal framework, as well as develop and implement legal acts that will regulate the system of logistical support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It was determined that the foreign experience of providing social guarantees for military personnel shows that such guarantees are an important element of state policy in the field of defence. In NATO countries, social guarantees for servicemen and their family members provide a wide range of benefits and advantages that ensure a proper life and personal development. The practical value of the obtained results lies in the fact that, they will contribute to increasing the efficiency of the use of state resources, improving the system of training military units, and increasing Ukraine’s authority in the international arena.</p>2024-10-01T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Oleh Semenenko, Natalia Ilina , Roman Voytsehovskiy , Vitalii Kostrach , Serhii Stolinets effluent treatment technologies: trends and challenges2024-10-05T23:19:06-03:00Emeline Melchiorsemelinemelchiors@gmail.comFlavio Bentes<p>Wine production is an ancient practice with strong cultural and economic aspects. However, wineries discharge 0.2 to 14 liters of effluent per liter of wine produced. The increasing environmental pressures require the use of increasingly efficient technologies for its treatment. This study presents a systematic literature review to identify challenges and trends in winery effluent treatment systems. The review analyzed 122 studies published between 2013 and 2022. Biological treatments are the most investigated and show average removals of 85% COD. However, these systems have difficulties in removing color, polyphenols, and nutrients. Successful research seeks to overcome this challenge with the use of algae and fungi. Physicochemical treatments are characterized by higher operating costs; however, they can be more adaptable to seasonal variations in production. The constructed wetlands present 86, 71, and 57% removal of BOD, nitrogen, and phosphorus, respectively. However, the area required limits them to smaller agribusinesses. Other advanced systems present positive tendencies, either by the possibility of recovering electrical energy, as in the case of MFCs or by the reuse of residues from the industry itself. The systematic literature review on winery effluent treatment systems provides insight into the state-of-the-art and highlights the tendency to develop more sustainable and efficient solutions to minimize the environmental impacts of agribusiness.</p>2025-01-16T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2025 Emeline Melchiors, Flavio Bentes Freire of protein-protein interaction networks correlated to Resistant Depressive Disorder2024-01-29T21:58:47-03:00Mayara Thais Moreiramtmoreira1@ucs.brRafael<p>Depression affects many people, and sometimes treatment can be ineffective, characterizing drug resistance. The study of resistant depressive disorder has been increasing in recent years, but there are still gaps. By searching scientific articles, we sought to understand more about TDR. Using the StringDB platform, relationships were sought among some of the possible proteins that are related to resistant depressive disorder.</p>2024-11-11T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mayara Thais Moreira, Rafael Colombo Francisco Catelli: um físico “pop star”2023-12-14T11:34:08-03:00Gladis Franck da Cunhagladisfranck@gmail.comIsolda Gianni de Limaiglima1@gmail.comGuilherme Brambatti Guzzo gbguzzo@ucs.brOdilon Giovannini Jr.ogiovannini@gmail.comValquíria Villas-Boas vvillasboas@gmail.comMichel<p><em>This article pays tribute to a generous, intelligent professor who is passionate about teaching Physics. Spectacular human being, owner of a serene countenance and a smile that he presents to everyone he meets. With a special interest for Optics and Astronomy, as a professor, he stands out for his commitment to teaching Physics and his ability to enchant young students. Owner of sharp critical thinking, as a colleague, he stands out for his generosity and kindness, knowing how to work in a team like few others. When guiding, he knows how to create a light atmosphere, shares ideas and thoughts, does not spare his praise and knows how to criticize with elegance. In general, he is a professor who is very concerned about the development of his students, always showing love and interest in what he does, a happiness to be with the students, to be talking about Physics or teaching Science.</em></p>2024-05-29T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Gladis Franck da Cunha, Isolda Gianni de Lima, Guilherme Brambatti Guzzo , Odilon Giovannini Jr., Valquíria Villas-Boas , Michel Mendes