Using Electrical Simulation Software to Understand Electrical Quantities in Resistive Circuits


  • André Schwantes Instituto SENAI de Tecnologia Mecatrônica - Caxias do Sul
  • Francisco Catelli Universidade de Caxias do Sul


This paper describes the development and application of a workshop presented for high school physics teachers, in order to apply the use of electrical simulation software for teaching the basics of resistive circuits. The workshop was developed aiming at the use of active learning strategies and the concepts of David Ausubel’s Meaningful Learning theory. These activities workshops were developed in a practical way, using the electrical simulation software to illustrate a scenario where students are encouraged to engage more actively in their learning. As a result of this workshop, an increase in the importance of the use of new technologies in the classroom was evidenced when used in accordance with the teaching-learning methodologies that promote a more active participation of students.


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How to Cite

Schwantes, A.; Catelli, F. Using Electrical Simulation Software to Understand Electrical Quantities in Resistive Circuits. Sci. cum Ind. 2016, 3, 104-108.