The Planning as a Fundamental Framework for the Construction of Knowledge and the Promotion of Meaningful Learning
This article discusses the construction of knowledge and the promotion of meaningful learning through planning education as a fundamental framework for such learning. We live in numerous situations involving planning our actions as educators in a school setting can not distance ourselves from it. We try to plan our classes, recreational activities, professional, social and various other activities that we developed in the course of our day-to-day commitments. Thus, we find that all human actions require planning so they are well executed and can achieve a certain success. The planning of teaching is to the teacher guiding the actions that are necessary for the process of teaching, learning is meaningful, and that the desired results are achieved. The planning in schools requires systematic interdisciplinary actions and seamlessly between the curricular components of each area of knowledge, and also between areas according to the National Curricular Parameters and not just in isolated curricular components. There are several difficulties encountered by teachers in structuring the proposed plan, but we can not look at him as just a bureaucratic activity to be accomplished.
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