Philosophical approach to the policy/management of teacher education from the substantive/ethical-political perspective
: The research in question investigated the policy/management of teacher education from the perspective of the philosophy of praxis, considering education as an arena of political struggle. In view of the predominance of the capitalist logic that invests heavily in the social perspective that envisions the possibilities of humanization and dealienation, we sought to clarify the feasibility of implementing the ethicalpolitical dimension in the process of production and reproduction of society, including school, teachers education and the teaching work. In the development of the study, as a starting point, we questioned about the possibilities of an ethical-political/democratic-popular education that extrapolates the reproduction of the economic-corporate/mercantile ideology and that can be glimpsed in the process of teacher education in Brazil. Starting from this question, the study aims to clarify some of the fundamentals of the policy/management of teacher education in the substantive/ethical-political dimension. For this purpose, the study uses bibliographical and empirical/documental research and is anchored in the materialist and critical-dialectical approach to question the theoretical-practical existence of the emancipatory formation perspective based on the ethical-political principles and on the principles of the philosophy of praxis and its impacts on the teaching work. The research revealed that teacher education in Brazil tended to relegate the political-cultural dimension. However, the instrumentalization of education, predominant in the country, did not occur linearly and without the dispute for a teacher education in a substantive, libertarian and emancipatory prism, expressed in the teaching work in a formative space.
Keywords: Policy/management of teacher education. Historical and theoretical-philosophical approach. Substantive and ethical-political formation.
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