Philosophy as pedagogy of the sacred: a decolonial approach
This article explores the notions of philosophy, pedagogy, and sacred as part of the so-called decolonial turn. Based on a dialogue with Enrique Dussel, Catherine Walsh, and M. Jacqui Alexander, I develop two different hypotheses. First of all, I intend to argue that, for Dussel, Walsh and Alexander, there will be a notion of pedagogy that is not confused solely with a tool or device for philosophy. This intends to state that, for these interpreters, there will be a dimension of pedagogy that is attuned to the very idea of philosophy. Secondly, and more importantly, I argue that this conception of philosophy must be understood in two ways: (i) as an indispensable epistemological/pedagogical for approaching, understanding and dealing with reality, and (ii) as a prolongation of the encounter with a reality at once indeterminate and sacred. The relationship between these two philosophical dimensions can be summarized as follows: by alternating learning and teaching (as philosophical praxis, attitude, and method) to allow reality to appear, that is, for the possible Other to appear (and, therefore, speak, understand and be). This reality, which is always Other – it can’t be found in any time or place in the same way that it exists in all places and moments – can be described as sacred. And for this reason the sacred can be an agent of resistance and disturbance of all epistemological efforts as well as (and precisely because of this) this epistemological-pedagogical attitude as a revelation of a world full of possible meanings.
Keywords: Decoloniality. Pedagogy. Sacred.
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