Notes about the masculinity in Johann Friedrich Herbart’s pedagogical ideas
This paper intends to analyze the pedagogical ideas of Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776-1841) and his possible contributions to the construction of modern masculinity, based on a bibliographic research developed during the doctorate in Education. Herbart is one of the precursors of the pedagogy as a science, directly associating the philosophy, education, and psychology knowledge to formulate a theoretical apparatus that would respond to the transformations of the 17th and 18th centuries, especially the French Illuminism. To better understand the theme, we divided the article into four sections: (a) in the introduction we locate the studies about masculinities and the temporal framework of this work; (b) then we expose the bibliographic methodological course based on the circular design of successive approaches to the sources; (c) in the third we analyze the historical context of Herbart’s formulations, the synthetic organization of his ideas and his pedagogical proposal. Finally (d) we establish relations between the author’s educational project and its possible contributions to modern masculinity.
Keywords: Johann Friedrich Herbart. Pedagogical Thinking. Masculinity.
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