Philosophical spoils in the Common National Curriculum Base - High School: the ethical dimension
This article considers the marked instability of Philosophy in the curricula of Brazilian Education, as well as its disappearance as a discipline, in the approved version of the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC). It presents the probable changes that this document will promote in Education, referring to teacher training, the political impact and teaching autonomy in the creation of classes, and then dedicate itself to the philosophical assets remaining in the Base, especially those related to ethics. It shows that the ethical dimension permeates the document and is present in the "General Skills" to be developed throughout Basic Education, being, therefore, a concern of all areas of knowledge, especially with regard to Digital Technologies of Information and Communication (TDICs) and to environmental sustainability. Returns to the definition of ethics in the document and its bases, namely, justice, solidarity and free will; problematizes their senses and marks some inconsistencies. It shows that the document, despite encouraging the education of young people, is, on the one hand, focused on what we have done and what we know about the world, on the other, towards the open and indeterminate; overemphasizes the search for solutions and learning answers, giving priority, with regard to Philosophy, to the Socratic answer to the question "What is the human being?" It highlights the idea presented in the document that our time requires a "new mentality", governed by a "different ethics", and argues that it is through contact with philosophical ways of thinking, present in primary texts of Philosophy, worked by teachers qualified for this, that students will become competent and skilled in the two main ethical senses of the Base – 1) our relationship with nature, with the Planet and its finite goods; and 2) the relationship with oneself, the way of being. Finally, he affirms that, despite the dispossession suffered by Philosophy at the Base, no Education project can be sustained without it.
Keywords: BNCC. Philosophy. Ethic. Philosophy Teaching
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