Cooperation Network, Model, Small Business, Structural equation model, Multigroup AnalysisAbstract
This research aims to develop a conceptual model of cooperation networks to support small businesses in registering their trademarks. To this end, we validated a model involving public and private institutions supporting these businesses. A survey was conducted using a structured questionnaire with 176 managers from these institutions, and the data was analyzed through structural equation modeling and multi-group analysis. The findings confirmed the effectiveness of the cooperation network model, demonstrating its success as a strategy for small businesses to secure guidance in trademark registration, gain market access, and safeguard their exclusive brand rights nationwide. Trademark registration protects businesses legally by preventing competitors from using confusingly similar signs. The study highlighted that cooperation networks significantly enhance the growth, competitiveness, and legal security of small businesses by facilitating trademark registrations. In conclusion, cooperation networks play an essential role in empowering small businesses, contributing to their market expansion and legal protections while underscoring the value of collaboration among companies.
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