
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor". Moreover, the article isn´t published in any other repository (University, Preprints), with the same correspondent title and content.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format, in docx version and without identification of the authors.
  • Where available, URLs for references have been provided. All DOIs, when available, must be associated with the references used, in the bibliographical references section.
  • RBGI adopts APA standards for references. The body text spacing: 1.5 lines; uses a 12-point font; uses italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of annexes.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, on the About the Magazine page.
  • Authors are aware of Ethical Guidelines, at the About page.
  • Authors completed all the personal information in registration form, including Full Bio, ORCID and research themes. This information must be accurate since its published in article page. Please include University, School/Center/Faculty, Country. Separate file with authors information, as described in guidelines, is presented.
  • Authors completed all requested metadata in the article submission.
  • Authors are aware that if the article is approved by desk review and double-blind peer review but the authors decide not to proceed to publication, it will be retracted from the University journal system for five years. This measure is to prevent authors from consuming journal resources without commitment to publication.

Author Guidelines

RBGI New guidelines for publication starting from 2023

---Please note RBGI is an Open Access Journal with no APC (Author Processing Charges)---


Guidelines for publishing scientific articles:

Technical elements:

  • APA standards;
  • Text editor Word 2013 or later;
  • Font: Times New Roman, size 12 (body text);
  • Page size - A4;
  • Interior of figures and tables that should use size 10;
  • Body text spacing: 1.5 lines;
  • Spacing of the abstract, keywords, abstract, keywords and inside figures and tables: 1.0 line;
  • Text alignment: justified;
  • Alignment of bibliographic references: on the left, 1.5 line spacing;
  • Margins: Top: 3 cm, Bottom: 2 cm, Left: 3 cm, Right: 2 cm.

Textual Elements:

The first pages of the file should contain a continuous and sectioned abstract:

  • Title of the article (in Portuguese and English) - in bold;
  • Sectioned Abstract in both languages (between 200 and 250 words):
    • Objective: 

    • Design/Method/Approach: 

    • Originality/relevance: 

    • Main results/Findings: 

    • Theoretical/methodological contributions/implications: 

    • Social/managerial contributions: 

  • Authors should include article highlights, in 5 bullet points;


  • Continuous Text Abstract - Language 1 (between 200 and 250 words);
  • Keywords - Language 1 (between three and five);
  • Continuous Text Abstract - Language 2 Abstract (between 200 and 250 words);
  • Keywords - Language 2 - (between three and five).

General guideline for content:

The manuscript must conform to the standards of the American Psychological Association (APA):

  • Introduction - must present the theme of the article, research problem and general objective;
  • Literature revision;
  • Methodological procedures;
  • Data analysis/Results;
  • Conclusions/Final considerations - it should also present limitations, theoretical and practical implications and recommendations for future studies;
  • Acknowledgments, if any;
  • References;
  • Annexes/Appendices - if any (respect the minimum limit of 15 and maximum 25 pages);

Other guidelines

  • The submitted regular article may have a maximum of 4 (four) authors;
  • Contributors should be mentioned in the article in specific section, if applicable;
  • The manuscript must have a maximum of 25 pages in total, including references;
    Figures, tables and illustrations should preferably be in black and white, with legends, credits and source. Figures and tables imported from other programs, such as Excel and Power Point, must be sent in the source file as a supplementary document;
  • Papers can be sent in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French.
  • If paper in one language is approved, authors can submit a translated version.
  • Papers that are not sent in Portuguese must have a title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese. The authors are responsible for the spelling and quality of the writing;
  • The article must be unpublished in Brazil or in another country.
  • The article cannot be submitted for simultaneous evaluation in another journal;

Send a supplementary document containing:

  • Full details of ALL authors:
  • Full name:
  • Institutional affiliation:
  • Department:
  • Job title, occupation or position held:
  • Short Bio:
  • Complete mailing address (neighborhood, city, state, country and zip code):
  • Phone for contact:
  • ORCID:
  • CV Lattes link, if brazilian author:
  • email:
  • Authorship contributions based on CRediT taxonomy

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How my article will be evaluated?

Please note RBGI adopts a double blind peer-review process, seeking to match your manuscript with PhD level reviewers with adherence in the theme, according to interest and availablity to review your manuscript. 

The Reviewers adopts RBGI Evaluation form. We invite you to review this form in order to improve your manuscript before submission.


RBGI Evaluation Form

Dear Reviewer,

Please develop you review according with the RBGI Ethical Guidelines, reviewer guidelines and form items. Rate the article according to the following criteria and describe your opinion under each of the criteria.

RBGI adopts a open text model for review, in order to provide more flexibility for assessement and recommendations. Quantitative evaluation is presented in the end of the form.

If the article in review is originaly in portuguese language, is recommended to provide the review in portuguese - however Reviewers can adopt english language. Otherwise, Reviewers can adopt english language as standard.

Thank you very much,

RBGI Editorial Team

Does the manuscript contain new and significant knowledge to justify publication?

Does the ABSTRACT (Summary) clearly and accurately describe the content of the article? Describe recommendations, when applicable.

Does the TITLE correspond exactly to the RESULTS obtained in the article? Describe recommendations, when applicable.

Does the article clearly present the THEME, RESEARCH QUESTION and OBJECTIVES, significant and concisely stated? Describe recommendations, when applicable.

Is the ARGUMENT clear and presents a LOGICAL sequence? Describe recommendations, when applicable.

Does the literature REVIEW meet the purposes of the article, adequate referencing to other research, balancing classic references, state-of-the-art on the subject, as well as interacting with other related publications, if applicable, from RBGI? Describe recommendations, when applicable.

Is the METHOD duly presented, is it RIGOROUS and suitable for the purposes of the article? Describe recommendations, when applicable.

Is the DATA ANALYSIS and INTERPRETATIONS relevant, justified and meets the objectives of the article? Describe recommendations, when applicable.

Do the CONCLUSIONS/final considerations correspond to the arguments presented, elucidating theoretical and managerial contributions, limitations and future studies, grounded in the analysis? Describe recommendations, when applicable.

Does the article present originality and a relevant contribution the field of knowledge, with potential for citations? Describe recommendations, when applicable.

Is the text clear and does the formatting ensure readability of the manuscript? Describe recommendations, when applicable.

Any other comments and recommendations the reviewer wants to send to the authors? Describe recommendations, when applicable.

Other comments the Reviewer wants to send to the Editor?

What is your overall assessment for the article?

What´´´´ is your recommendation? (Accept as is, minor revision, major revision, reject)

Privacy Statement

As a privacy policy adopted by RBGI, manuscripts are sent to reviewers through the Open Journal System (OJS), without authorship identification, in the same way that the identification of reviewers is not revealed to the author (double blind review).

All information requested for user registration is for the exclusive use of RGBI and for its sole purposes. The names and addresses informed in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties.

Intellectual property

All RBGI content, except where noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-BY License.

The online journal has free and open access.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Brazil License

Brazilian Journal of Management and Innovation e-ISSN 2319-0639