About the Journal

RBGI - Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Inovação (Brazilian Journal of Management & Innovation) - an Open Access Journal commited with advancement of Open Science.

ISSN: 2319-0639

It is proposed as the RBGI's mission: to promote and encourage influential scientific production, rigorous and relevant, in the science of innovation management, through the publication of forefront and qualified scientific research with ethical standards for researchers, managers, and policy makers, in line with the evolution of the field of study and the theoretical-practical relationship of administration. RBGI focus on scientific manuscripts on themes in the interface of Management & Innovation, and Sustainability.


RBGI is a scientific journal with 10 years, and published more than 30 issues and 240 articles in this period.

> + 270.000 access, according to ANPAD SPELL.

> Diamond Open Access (OA), no fees charged to authors or readers (no APC),

> Publish quarterly editions with international catalog file (CIP) and articles indexed with DOI,

> Indexed in several national and international search engines,

> Editorial flow of double-blind peer review managed by PPGA of UCS Business School (AACSB Member) and,

> Owned/Editing/Layout by Publisher EDUCS from UCS - University of Caxias do Sul.

#RBGI is aligned with:

٠ UN Sustainable Development Goals.

٠ Open Science Movement.

٠ Responsible Science Movement and `PRME

٠ DORA (Declaration on Research Assessment)


Current Issue

Vol. 11 No. 2 (2024): Vol. 11 No. 2 (2024): Ahead of Print (v.11, n.2, 2024)
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