silver economy, AgeTechs, SilverTechs, registro de marca, propriedade intelectualAbstract
Introduction: The silver economy brings together all production and consumption operations around the population aged 50 and older. With this, multiple business opportunities arise, among them the AgeTechs. This nomenclature is used for startups specialized in innovations oriented to the older audience.
Objective: Seeking to understand how Brazilian AgeTechs have protected their intellectual property, this research aimed to build a sector map including a descriptive analysis of their trademark registrations.
Method: Characterized as a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research, the panel of Brazilian AgeTechs showed 35 enterprises categorized into 8 areas.
Results: There is a higher incidence of businesses directed to monitoring and healthcare technologies; 57% have trademark protection in place; 87% have the mixed type filing and 60% are products and/or services; the years 2019 and 2021 stood out with higher occurrences in the registrations;
Contributions: under the social context, the panel of Brazilian AgeTechs promotes the importance of trademark protection for the generation of innovation. In scientific terms, this work presents important metrics that can be used as references or compared with other analytical scenarios in multidisciplinary areas.
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