Overcoming challenges in the realization of TCCs: reflections based on Georges Snyders' conception of joy



undergraduate thesis, joy in University, engaged psychology, Georges Snyders


This article has as theoretical framework Georges Snyders's book “Happy at the University” and frames the difficulties faced in completing an undergraduate thesis (UT) as part of the “non-joys” that must be overcome to complete the final assignment. For Snyders, overcoming the “non-joys” promotes the joy that results from creation and achievement, when we dare to face difficult challenges. From a research developed as one of the stages of a project linked to the Professional Master in Science and Mathematics Teaching of the University of Caxias do Sul (RS), which investigated, among other things, the training needs of the students identified by the thesis advisors of the UT courses, alternatives are suggested that foster an engaged pedagogy that does not eliminate obligations but lead to face the “non-joys”, to dare the difficult, and promotes the joy of college students. Thus, the reflections of this article aim to support the proposition of actions and academic activities based on active learning, which contribute to the accomplishment of the UTs.


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How to Cite

Cunha, G. F., Gianni de Lima, I., Zanol Sauer, L., Villas-Boas, V., Coulon Grisa, A. M., & Schmitz Booth, I. A. (2019). Overcoming challenges in the realization of TCCs: reflections based on Georges Snyders’ conception of joy. Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science, 4(8), 47–54. Retrieved from https://sou.ucs.br/revistas/index.php/ricaucs/article/view/88