Strengthening student literacy: a didactic sequence using digital technologies
literacy, writing, traffic, didactic sequenceAbstract
This article is aimed to present a pedagogical proposal for school support classes in the literacy of students of different levels of reading and writing learning (pre-syllabic, syllabic and syllabic-alphabetic). It is the creation of a Didactic Sequence (SD) that brings as practice the use of digital technologies (digital notebook on tablets) in literacy, having as a theme the awareness of the importance of traffic rules, from the understanding of the symbolic elements that constitute them. It is noticed the importance to develop behavioral skills in transit, on all different roles: pedestrian, cyclist, motorcyclist, driver, among others, which justifies a pedagogical strategy to choose the theme of SD Transit, with the goal of contributing to the support in the literacy process of students in the age group ranging from six to twelve years old.
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