Some contributions of the Pibid/UCS Mathematics subproject for the educational context and high school
PIBID, Mathematics, learningAbstract
This work approaches general aspects on the Pibid –Institutional Program of Scholarship for Teaching Initiation, a brief referencial on applications of the project and discussions on the educational context and, also, the story and analysis of the results of some activities developed for professors and scholarship holders of the mathematical Pibid subproject, of the University of Caxias do Sul, in São Caetano State High School, from the city of Caxias do Sul/RS. The development of the project took place throughout four years and allowed the verification of the learning of the academic scholarship holders, while future professionals of the education, as much of the students of the school where the activities had been applied. Throughout the time, it was possible to raise some data that highlighted the importance of the activities of the mathematical Pibid/UCS subproject for the education of the course, for the educational context, as well as the performance of the graduate students along the process. Besides, bringing in its referencial some operating experiences of other groups of research and Institutions acting in the Pibid context.
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