Building Skills and Competences in English Language Teaching mediated by Digital Technologies
literacy, interaction, technologyAbstract
This article aims to reflect and organize the experiences of the PIBID - Letras/Inglês subproject of the University of Caxias do Sul, from the point of view of the subproject Coordinator. This project is carried out at the University campus of Caxias do Sul and at Santa Catarina State High School and it aims to shorten the distance university/school in initial and lifelong education in the English language area through the development of a proposal of literacy and social construction of knowledge, adding technology to the routine of the classroom. The development of this subproject is composed of readings and discussions about the social construction of knowledge according to Vygotsky, for theoretical foundation, diagnosis of needs and interests of students and supervisor, planning of didactic plans, evaluation of the work developed, planning and systematization of the actions developed in academic papers in partnership with the school supervisor and scholarship students.
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