The use of the Problem-Based Learning method to understand and develop habits of conscious consumption of electricity in Elementary School


  • Fernanda Fernandes Leite Universidade de Caxias do Sul
  • Gladis Franck Cunha Universidade de Caxias do Sul
  • Vânia Schneider Universidade de Caxias do Sul


PBL, electricity, Interdisciplinarity, environmental education


This paper describes and analyzes a teaching experience, using the PBL method in a municipal school of Basic Education in Vacaria (RS). The PBL was implemented with a ninth grade class, which was challenged to solve the problem of excess electricity spending by the school. Participating in the implementation of this PBL were professors from the areas of natural sciences and humanities (Geography and History), mathematics and languages. Students have become protagonists of the construction of knowledge itself and have developed various skills and competences to seek information, organize data and present it to colleagues. Linked to this project was elaborated a pedagogical event about production and conscious consumption of electric energy. The problem chosen also made it possible to work on environmental education in a transversal way; in addition, there were changes of attitudes that allowed a lower energy consumption in 2015 compared to the previous year, starting in August when students began to give lectures to others students, staff and visitors to the pedagogical event. The results showed the efficiency of PBL. 


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How to Cite

Fernandes Leite, F. ., Cunha, G. F., & Schneider, V. . (2017). The use of the Problem-Based Learning method to understand and develop habits of conscious consumption of electricity in Elementary School. Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science, 2(3), 25–29. Retrieved from