The importance of teaching evolution for critical and scientific thinking
teaching of evolution, different worldviews, teacher trainingAbstract
Evolution is a key concept in understanding of life sciences and it central idea is the mutability of living beings. But in the XXI century is still a lot of resistance, especially due to lack of knowledge and religious aspects. This resistance must be taken into account as the study of evolution can contribute significantly to the technological development inserted in the sustainability challenge. In order to highlight the importance of studying the evolution of applied science, this article was prepared by Masters students of the discipline Tópicos atuais em Biologia Molecular, Genética e Evolução in the Master Professional in Science and Mathematics Teaching, which were challenged, from their research projects, to answer the question: How important is the teaching of evolution to scientific development? Developed arguments suggest that the teaching of evolution can contribute directly to a critical and scientific education because it integrates different areas and structure a worldview. However, to address the challenges facing educators in the scientific field, their teacher training should incorporate discussions on the specific contents and their dilemmas and conflicts with other worldviews, that is not made the conceptual mistake of confusing theological and scientific questions, as the theological concept of creation is not a scientific concept and scientific knowledge about evolution does not respond to religious questions, constituting themselves thus in different areas of education.
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