Paths of Interdisciplinarity: reflections on a fleeting topic, but essential for education in the 21st century
interdisciplinarity, curricular contextualization, skills, competencesAbstract
This article reflects on interdisciplinarity and its applicability from the author's personal experiences, bringing the contribution of several researchers who provided recognized contributions to the subject. The reflections in the text seek to give consistency to a fleeting theme, contributing to the establishment of partnerships between professionals from different fields, in order to propose interactive and collaborative activities that involve an interdisciplinary approach, essential for the formation of professionals able to promote overcoming a restricted or fragmented view of the world and applied sciences. It is highlighted that education plays a vital role in building a bridge between research centers and population, but need to focus teaching activities in developing skills and competencies using content as a tool but not as the central purpose of pedagogical practice. A competent individual will know to apply knowledge of science and technology and scientific research procedures in different contexts, seeking satisfactory alternatives to new situations as they arise.
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