Emergency Remote Teaching during the pandemic: an Analysis of Bibliometric Review
Emergency Remote Teaching, Covid-19 Pandemic, Bibliometric Review, DICTAbstract
This article aims to analyze the adoption of emergency remote teaching in the Covid-19 Pandemic. For this, used the bibliometric literature review, which sought to answer the following questions, particularly in the higher education setting: (Q1) What are the implications in the use of Digital Information and Communication Technologies in emergency remote teaching? (Q2) How are professors dealing with the transition to emergency remote teaching due to the pandemic? The data have been collected from two databases: Web of Science and Scopus. The mapping of the data has been done using VOSviewer software. The analysis of the set research showed the difficulties faced by professors during the transition to emergency remote teaching, which had them adopting more interactive activities supported by the application of some active methodologies. As a result, despite the professors lack of training for emergency remote teaching, they were still able to manage an online learning environment. In addition, many of the problems highlighted by scholars in Lebanon, Japan and India related to the transition to emergency remote teaching are the same as those faced in Brazil, considering the specificities of each country and the context within which the research was conducted.
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