Juridification of grant support for higher education under martial law
grantmakers, grant award procedure, aducational activitiesAbstract
The study aims to determine the possible ways to implement grant support for higher education under the legal regime of martial law. The achievement of the aim set implies solving such research problems as identifying the legal framework for grant activities at the national level and the characteristics of the application of national and international experience. The methodological framework of the study encompassed general and special methods of scientific knowledge, including the method of scientific observation, analysis-synthesis, methods of processing, comprehension, and interpretation, dialectical method, formal-logical method, and structural-functional method. The authors concluded that there was no standard procedure for implementing grant activities in the field of higher education. It is possible to increase the positive effect of the attraction of private entities to the sphere of higher education and its improvement if human-centric approaches to grant activities duly enshrined in the legislation are systematically adhered to.
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