Local Innovation Agents, Sebrae, ALI Radar, Innovation Radar, MSBAbstract
The objective of this paper is to analyze the performance of the companies participating in cycles 1, 2 and 3 of the Local Innovation Agents Project (ALI)/Brazil Plus Program in the state of Paraná – Brazil. Therefore, the research uses a methodology with a mixed approach and an applied nature, categorized as exploratory in relation to the objectives and uses the case study format as a technical procedure of analysis. The analytical process is divided into two stages: the first quantitatively evaluates the data of the six dimensions of the ALI Radar corresponding to the sample of 1073 MSBs from Paraná from the diagnoses made at two different times (Ti and Tf) of the innovation journey of the ALI Project/Brasil Mais Program. The second stage of the analysis conducts semi-structured interviews with six local innovation agents in order to understand in a deeper way the motivations that culminate in the quantitative data found. As a result of the research, it is evident that the innovation journey of the sample reached an advance in the scores of all dimensions of Radar Ali in the three cycles analyzed, obtaining an average percentage evolution of 13.92% in the total score of Radar, collaborating with the promotion and development of innovation in the contexts of the Paraná MSBs participating in the program. The in-depth interview, on the other hand, allowed to know the qualitative motivations that lead certain dimensions to reach the highest and lowest percentage evolution of the sample, to have the lowest average score, among others.
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