Innovation Management, Research and development, Innovation process, new products development, conceptual frameworkAbstract
Innovation represents a competitive advantage for companies; however, technological and market dynamism compromise the maintenance of a lasting competitive advantage. To counteract the impacts of technological dynamism and enhance innovation performance, “research and development” (R&D) is a critical factor. R&D acts as an important source of knowledge that can be transferred and support rapid advances in innovation. Another fundamental factor for the success of innovations is the way in which the innovation process is conceived and managed. Thus, both the intangible collection of knowledge used in its operations, which can be conferred mainly by R&D, and the capacity to manage innovation and its processes, directly impact the competitiveness of companies. However, there are still opportunities for a better understanding of the relationship between these two organizational
aspects. In this sense, this article presents a systematic review of the literature in order to conceptually systematize the relationship between R&D activities and the systemic approach to innovation management. For that, the methodology of Systematic Literature Review was used, oriented to the development of artifacts originating from Design Science Research. As a main result, the research offers a conceptual framework emphasizing the relationship and feedback flows that exist between innovation management and R&D, including the concepts underlying the innovation process and the new product development process.
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