Journal of Management and Innovation (Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Inovação)2025-02-04T21:56:28-03:00RBGI Editorial Teamrbgi@ucs.brOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>Esta é a versão antiga do site da RBGI, sendo usada de forma transitória para o worflow de artigos em avaliação anteriores a 2024.</strong></p> <p><strong>Novas submissões a partir de 2025 são aceitas no Portal de Periódicos da Universidade de Caxias do Sul disponível em: </strong></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p> - BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT & INNOVATION (RBGI) V. 10, n. 2, Jan/Apr, 20232023-01-30T11:54:17-03:00Mateus<p>This document introduces the articles published at the issue.</p>2023-01-30T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2023 THAT SLEEPS, THE WAVE TAKES: THE CASE OF AC COMEX2022-12-29T13:52:25-03:00Alana Cristiane da Silvalani578449@gmail.comCaroline Cinthia Romeracarol.roomera@gmail.comJailson Lanajailson.lana@univali.brRaul Beal<p>This teaching case reports the dilemma of the AC COMEX company, which has been operating since 2003 in the field of consultancy and solutions for international trade companies. From 2012 its main service became the SISCOSERV registry. However, in 2020, the obligation for companies to supply SISCOSERV with data on imports and exports was suspended, compromising the management of AC COMEX and its sustainability in the market. The primary sources were interviews and direct communication with AC COMEX partners. As a secondary source, the company's official website and documents provided by the partners were used. The present case is a platform for evaluating the strategies used and for diversifying international business that minimize the impact of threats from the external environment, bringing financial sustainability to the company. After the debate period, the class is expected to drive the best decisions, and what the company could have done. Class members should analyze the proposed strategies and can make a more correct final decision.</p>2022-12-29T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2023 Alana Cristiane da Silva, Caroline Cinthia Romera, SettingsJailson Lana, Raul Beal Partyka PROCESS OF TRANSFER OF SYMBOLIC MEANING FROM THE CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENT TO BRANDS IMAGE2022-12-29T10:58:54-03:00Manuela Oliveira Krugmok.krug@gmail.comGabriel Sperandio<p>Celebrity endorsement is a widely used marketing strategy, that is, using celebrities as spokespersons for a product and/or service, in order to leverage sales and increase the attractiveness of a brand. The use of a celebrity in communication actions is an efficient way to transfer symbolic meanings to a brand and to the consumer by means an association of the products and brand in question with their image. In this context, the study aimed to understand the process of transferring symbolic meaning from celebrity endorsement to brand image in the perception of young consumers. Therefore, a qualitative exploratory research was carried out, operationalized through three focus groups, totaling thirty participants (consumers), conducted from a semi-structured approach, using a basic script of questions for its conduction. The object of study was celebrity Gisele Bündchen, related to six Brazilian brands: O Boticário, Pantene, C&A, Ipanema, Hope and Vivara. Thus, it was possible to show that the celebrity endorser (Gisele Bündchen) transfers a set of positive meanings to all the brands analyzed, with the predominance of some of them. At the end of the survey, it was possible to propose some directions for companies to leverage their market positioning and results through the use of celebrity endorsements associated with their brands and products.</p> <p>DOI: 10.18226/23190639.v10n2.0</p>2023-01-01T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2023 Manuela Oliveira Krug, Gabriel Sperandio Milan AND INNOVATIVE ACTIONS: AN INVESTIGATION IN AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVES IN GOIÁS2022-12-29T11:52:56-03:00Maria Elisa Sarmento Costamariaescosta@gmail.comJuliano Lima<p>The objective is to analyze the existence of a difference between the cooperatives that focus their verticalization upstream and downstream and the exploitation and exploration actions, respectively, in agricultural cooperatives in Goias. The study was carried out by applying a questionnaire to cooperatives, for which 35 valid responses were obtained. Data were analyzed using non-parametric mean tests (Mann-Whitney). The results found show that cooperatives that carry out activities upstream of the chain (Supply of Inputs and Technical Assistance and Rural Extension) have a higher average for exploitation actions when compared to cooperatives that do not carry out such activities and downstream of the production chain, the cooperatives that develop (Technical Assistance and Rural Extension) also have a higher average for the exploration actions when compared to the others, as for the activities carried out downstream of the production chain, the Industrialization of Production and Commercialization of Production activities, for which there was no significance, it was observed that mainly the Industrialization of Production activity needs investments to be carried out. The research made it possible to understand the structure of the productive chain of agricultural cooperatives in the state of Goias, based on the discussions presented about agrifood markets, the fragmentation of consumer preferences and the need to create new products as a competitive strategy, demonstrates the need to make investments in order to make such cooperatives more competitive in the current scenario.</p> <p> </p> <p>DOI: 10.18226/23190639.v10n2.02</p>2023-01-01T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2023 Maria Elisa Sarmento Costa, Juliano Lima Soares AND INNOVATION: CRALVES FRAMEWORK APPLICATION ANALYSIS TO GENERATE NEW BUSINESS IDEAS IN A PUBLISHING STARTUP2022-12-29T12:25:32-03:00Waldelino Duarte Ribeirowaldelino.ribeiro@ufrn.brCristiano Alvescralvesdesign@gmail.comOrivaldo Vieira de Santana Jú<p>According to the diagnosis of a survey carried out by Nielsen Book for the Câmara Brasileira do Livro (CBL) and the Sindicato Nacional de Editores de Livros (SNEL), in 2021, for the Brazilian publishing market, physical bookstores lose sales, but on the other hand there is a growth following the exclusively virtual bookstores. In the context of innovation in this market, a digital platform has emerged to facilitate the process of producing and selling books. An ecosystem powered by various customer segments, writers, designers, proofreaders, print services and finally end customers, readers. In order to create ideas and businesses also for improving processes, using the Cralves Framework, a bibliographic review of the existing literature was carried out to analyze how tools and techniques were used in its process. Corroborating with the potential of generating creative, real and individual ideas, with the potential of generating ideas, with the possible individualization, with the potential of generating ideas, with the true identity, with the capacity of individuals, with the potential of generation of ideas, with the ability to define, with the possibility of individuals, with the potential to generate ideas, facts, individuals, capable of corroborating the potential of generating ideas in groups. Contributed to the management of creativity and innovation. It provided engagement between the parties from the unfolding of the actions taken.</p> <p>DOI: 10.18226/23190639.v10n2.03</p>2023-01-01T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2023 Waldelino Duarte Ribeiro, Cristiano Alves, Orivaldo Vieira de Santana Júnior USE OF IT AND FRUGAL INNOVATON AS A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE IN BRAZIL2022-12-29T13:15:43-03:00Adriano Luciano Candidoadriano.luciano@gmail.comMarta Campos<p>This study aimed to evaluate how the use of IT contributes to the adoption of Frugal Innovation in Brazilian organizations. It has been an important factor of competitive advantage in developing countries such as India and China, which have significant cases of business model success with this approach, even in their scenarios of limitations and resource constraints. Through the analysis of two organizations, this multiple case study allowed us to understand how Frugal Innovation contributes to the competitiveness of these Brazilian organizations, since the development of innovations in Brazil differs from developed countries. The pandemic context, which occurred during the elaboration of this work, increases the importance of this study, given the discussions of organizations and the scientific community to find a scenario of reconfiguration of their models and the necessary economic recovery after this complex period in which the world population is living.</p> <p>DOI: 10.18226/23190639.v10n2.04</p>2023-01-01T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2023 Adriano Luciano Candido, Marta Campos Maia VENTURE CAPITAL FOR ESTABLISHING LINKS BETWEEN LARGE AND TRADITIONAL INDUSTRIAL COMPANIES AND STARTUP FIRMS: A REGIONAL INNOVATION SYSTEM SURVEY2023-01-16T20:38:32-03:00André Luíz Turettaandreturetta@icloud.comSilvestre Labiak<p>This research aims to evaluate the actual level of understanding and application of Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) in the Regional Innovation System (RIS) present in the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba (MRC). The survey focuses the large and traditional industrial companies (LTIC) which have tremendous importance to State of Paraná, due to taxes and formal jobs generation. While the LTIC needs to innovate, creating or recovering competitive advantage, the startup firm seeks for partnerships or private equity. In this context, there is an opportunity of establishing linkages between different actors through the CVC. The article presents the results of a survey consisting of an online questionnaire and a focal group, where the data was analyzed through a qualitative approach. The research demonstrated a minor part of the survey respondents practicing CVC, although an expressive number of companies intends to invest in startups. It was also possible to observe that the risk aversion, anxiety for financial payback and different vocabulary between startup and LTIC are still barriers to an effective adhesion to CVC in this regional context. This work contributes to scientific literature when highlight the importance of understanding and properly narrowing large companies of startups. However, the asymmetries between parts and the maturity for dealing and absorbing knowledge from startups is an issue that the RIS organizations could be involved.</p> <p> </p> <p>Submited: September 2022</p> <p>Accepted: December 2022</p> <p>DOI: 10.18226/23190639.v10n2.06</p>2023-01-16T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2023 André Luíz Turetta, Silvestre Labiak Junior INFLUENCE OF PUBLIC POLICIES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF ST&I IN BRAZIL: THE ANALYSIS OF THE SNCTI INDICATORS2023-01-16T22:39:56-03:00Ana Cristina dos Santosacriistina@gmail.comAna Cristina de Lima Cardoso Carvalhoanacardoso.adm@gmail.comPaulo Eduardo Mascarello Gobbipaulo.gobbi@aluno.unb.brPaula Meyer Soarespaulameyer@unb.brLeila Maria da Juda<p class="Corpo" style="line-height: normal;"><span style="font-family: 'Calibri Light',sans-serif;">The National System of Science, Technology and Innovation (SNCTI) in Brazil comprises an environment formed by public and private institutions, funding agencies, research companies, in addition to a number of instruments instituted in favor of the development of Science, Technology and Innovation activities - ST&I. These constitutive milestones are outlined in the document Estratégia Nacional de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação 2016|2022 (ENCTI), where the Government defined guidelines, rules, challenges and goals to promote ST&I in Brazil. The purpose of this article is to discuss the challenge of positioning Brazil among the most developed countries in ST&I, defined in the ENCTI planning for the period 2016-2021. It is also intended to to present and analyze the performance of the two goals defined for this challenge - the first target related to expenditure on research and development - R&D and the second to the human resources active in the R&D. The factors that may have influenced the results complement the study This study used the empirical methodology, with data collection carried out by bibliographic research of secondary sources for data collection and analysis. The data collected covered the period from 2016 to 2019 extracted from the official database. In the analysis, a comparison was made with data from the previous period to verify the evolution of Brazilian performance and the achievement of goals. At the end, the discussion presents the results of the goals and the challenge projected in the ENCTI document, with the performance of indicators from the data collected.</span></p> <p class="Corpo" style="line-height: normal;"><span style="font-family: 'Calibri Light',sans-serif;">DOI: 10.18226/23190639.v10n2.07</span></p>2023-01-16T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2023 Ana Cristina dos Santos, Ana Cristina de Lima Cardoso Carvalho, Paulo Eduardo Mascarello Gobbi, Paula Meyer Soares, Leila Maria da Juda Bijos AND CAPACITY FOR RESPONSIBLE INNOVATION2023-01-30T10:53:59-03:00Silvânia da Rocha Medeiros Vila<p class="Corpo" style="line-height: normal;"><span style="font-family: 'Calibri Light',sans-serif;">Companies are facing an increasingly complex and dynamic business environment, resorting to innovation as an alternative to increase their competitive capacity. However, the emergence of new technologies and the change to a new model of economic development, which combines economic and financial aspects with socially responsible and environmentally aware perspectives, has generated challenges beyond the response capacity of these companies. The problem lies in how to adjust to new realities quickly and assertively. Recent studies point out that companies need to increase organizational learning to develop innovation capacity, now no longer under traditional parameters, but adopting new models, such as responsible innovation. This study aims to point out determining factors so that, at the same time, organizational learning initiatives and the development of innovation capacity can facilitate the inclusion of responsible innovation in its processes. This is a qualitative and exploratory study, which included a review of the scientific literature that deals with the concepts of organizational learning, innovation capacity and responsible innovation. The results show that organizational learning and innovation capacity development can facilitate the implementation of responsible innovation in the innovative process of companies, contributing to the transition to the responsible and sustainable development model. This implementation can guarantee greater competitive capacity, differentiating the products and services offered by companies in the market, in addition to aligning with the new demands of stakeholders, mainly employees and consumers aware of the new technological and socio-environmental realities.</span></p>2023-01-30T00:00:00-03:00Copyright (c) 2023