Potter’s global bioethics interfaces with Edgar Morin’s complexity theory in view of new knowledge for future education
The constant changes in contemporary society, mainly related to the development of techno-scientific progress, have required a continuous reinvention of society to accompany these changes. These transformations have affected the totality of human life, and of the biosphere. Van Rensselaer Potter (1911-2001) with his proposal for a global bioethics, and Edgar Morin (1921-current) with his theory of complexity, alert us that it is necessary to seek new knowledge in education to guarantee future existence. Thus, if the future of human nature and the life of the biosphere were considered certain, not requiring the practice of specific principles, this could continue to exist. Faced with this reality, marked by the accelerated progress of science and technology, which being dissociated from the world, from the world of values, has threatened the existence of life in general in the future. This research wants to investigate how Potter’s global bioethics interfaces with the theory of complexity of Edgar Morin, in view of new knowledge for the education of the future, which will enable the future survival of human life and the biosphere? It is a bibliographic research, of a conceptual theoretical character, based on the main works of the authors in focus, and their commentators. Although the scientist and the sociologist have problematized in different realities, both have a core of common concerns that threaten human life and the biosphere in the future. Therefore, they propose new knowledge to education, knowledge of a new type, which goes beyond a simple discipline within a model of thinking. New knowledge that privileges the construction of bridges between the sciences and the humanities, interdisciplinary dialogue, the approximation of ethical-political with a view of an anthropoetics (Morin) and a bioethical-political education committed to the future survival of humanity (Potter)
Keywords: Bioethics. Education. Future.
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