Supervised nursing internships and the human dimension of training in the teachers' design


  • Ana Lúcia Leal Prof.ª Drª. do Núcleo de Formação Docente (NFD) e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação em Ciências e Matemática - PPGECM / Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE / Centro Acadêmico do Agreste – CAA.
  • Alexsandra Tenório de Melo Mestra em Educação em Ciências e Matemática – PPGECM / Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE / Centro Acadêmico do Agreste – CAA.



Nursing education is a dynamic process that is constantly changing. Currently, we want the profile of a professional who not only has technical-scientific skills, but also adopts a critical-reflexive and humanistic approach based on ethics. O aprender a cuidar em Enfermagem perpassa por questões que vão além do saber teórico, exigindo outras formas de agir, no que tange à formação e prática apoiadas na humanização. This study aimed to understand the senses of humanization in the teacher-student relationship during the supervised internships in Tertiary Health Care services of a graduation. Nursing course in the interior of Pernambuco. This study aimed to understand the senses of humanization in the teacherstudent relationship during the supervised internships in Tertiary Health Care services of a graduation. Nursing course in the interior of Pernambuco. And as specific objectives: To investigate what is the perception about human relationship between teacher and student during supervised internships; identify how the relationship between teachers and students is developed during such activities and; To analyze how this relationship can affect and or impact on the development and performance of pairs. We emphasize that the study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee, with the Certificate of Presentation for Ethical Appreciation (CAEE) of n. 05009218.4.0000.5208. The research in question was characterized by a qualitative approach, of an exploratory nature and to obtain the data, we conducted semistructured and audio-recorded interviews, from March to May 2019, with seven supervising professors from a Private Higher Education Institution in Agreste de Pernambuco, who fallowed the Supervised Internships in the Tertiary Care to Health. Data analysis took place from the perspective of Bardin and the obtained results showed that both teachers and students understood and recognized that a humanized relationship, in the context of supervised internships, is based on respect for beliefs, values and principles, aiming at the comprehensiveness of the human being. Besides, the studies show us that the type of relationship established between this binomial can impact in various ways on the development of its activities. This research made it possible to identify and understand the meanings of humanization in the teacher-student relationship during the exercise of Supervised Internship, through a practice based on the integrality of being.

Keywords: Human Formation. Nursing. Humanization. Education. Supervised Internship.

Author Biographies

Ana Lúcia Leal, Prof.ª Drª. do Núcleo de Formação Docente (NFD) e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação em Ciências e Matemática - PPGECM / Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE / Centro Acadêmico do Agreste – CAA.


Alexsandra Tenório de Melo, Mestra em Educação em Ciências e Matemática – PPGECM / Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE / Centro Acadêmico do Agreste – CAA.



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How to Cite

Leal, A. L., & Melo, A. T. de. (2021). Supervised nursing internships and the human dimension of training in the teachers’ design. Conjectura: Filosofia E educação, 26, e021023.

