Procustian reactive microphysics and educational trans-dialogism
The proposal for a Cartography of the Unaccustomed involves the mapping of displacements of thought related to the ethical itinerary of education in the process of violence and direct conflict with the cistem, since it addresses the queer powers of transsexual women crossed by forces and becoming, processes and movements, found in the cracks of reality. The word “dialogue” means the union of the Greek prefix “dia” which means “through”, in the sense of a bridge, crossing. The Greek suffix “logos” is etymologically meant as a word or a relation. Transdialogism claims for itself a power that touches upon the repertoire of representations of imposed truths and the sensitive experiences that produce effects on our bodies, going beyond the domains and configurations of the cistem and proposes new geopolitics of gender and sexuality, without identities and patterns. From this clue, two movements are essential: 1) mapping the dissocializations and the control of bodies in the discursive and normative constructions of the school machinery 2) unedifying educational discourses that transit through the universe of representation (meaning, signifier and signification) in which pedagogy is currently based. The education event unfolds in processes, agencies and educational devices without starting from pre-established objectives, but considering the clues and movements of social gaps and finding potentialities in invisible realities and daily lives, but, nevertheless, violated and silenced, starting from a researcher’s desire to understand this trans-corpus through a diverse, different look that resizes the usual. Finally, the cartographic article produced a map cut by lines of intensity that started from the concept of biopower towards that of necropolitics as conditions of a school machinery intertwined with the Capitalistic cistem, although it is faced by the unusual and the strangeness which delineates queer powers.
Keywords: Education. Transsexuality. Microphysics. Biopower. Necropolitics. Cisnormativity
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