Narciso e o espelho das águas
A poética da formação do sujeito em Bachelard
Imagination, Bachelard, Formation, Narcissism, Self-Esteem.Abstract
Abstract: This study establishes a dialogue between Gaston Bachelard's philosophy of imagination, the mythology of Narcissus, and classical literature through the tale "The Ugly Duckling," aiming to investigate the formation and development of human subjectivity. The research explores how the material imagination of water, a central element in Bachelard's philosophy, influences the constitution of the self and the formation of self-esteem. By analyzing the myth of Narcissus and the tale "The Ugly Duckling," the study reveals that water, with its depth and dynamism, acts as a powerful symbol of self-discovery and identity transformation. Bachelard suggests that imagination, before being formal, is material and dynamic, with water being crucial in constructing images and symbols that reflect the duality of human experience. Narcissus represents the primary narcissism essential for self-affirmation and psychic development, while the Ugly Duckling, upon seeing its reflection in the waters, undergoes a crucial identity transformation, discovering its true nature. The material imagination of water not only reflects reality but actively shapes it, providing a space for dialogue between the subject and the world. This approach highlights the importance of fantasy and daydreaming in the formation of the subject, promoting a healthy and structuring narcissism. By valuing narcissism as a primordial psychic necessity, the study argues that self-acceptance and self-love are fundamental to constructing an autonomous, solid, and resilient identity, suggesting that this process is essential for developing an ethics based on self-love and otherness. The poetic imagination of water offers a rich and dynamic perspective on the psyche, suggesting that future studies could further explore the implications of this material imagination in human formation and the redefinition of the concept of Bildung.
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