The reputed opinions (endoxa) in the actual context
The purpose of this essay is only to indicate the presence and possible contribution of Aristotle’s notion of endoxa in the contemporary ethical-political debate. The definition of endoxa given in the beginning of the Topics provides the understanding of nature, function and value of endoxa in dialetical argumentation, which is different from scientific demonstrations of the theoretical syllogism, as well as the identification of the difference between mere opinions (doxa) and endoxa. Endoxa work as a first principle of demonstration and have a high truth value, even though they are not always true, and are different from paradoxes. The conception of endoxa in Topics I might suffice to say that Aristotle provides ideas which are helpful in the understanding of kinds of discourse and arguments that might contribute to better guide debates and decision making in the ethical-political field.
Keywords: Aristotle. Dialectical Arguments. Endoxa. Truth. EthicalPolitical Debate.
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