Project Office, Technological Innovation Center, NIT, Innovation, Public UniversityAbstract
The Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) had its Technological Innovation Center (NIT) created in 2008 with the mission of acting in the management of intellectual property, as well as ensuring compliance with innovation policy. However, with the greater size and demand for services in the area of innovation as a whole, there was a need for intertwining with other UFES actors. Given the above, this research aimed to present a management model in which the NIT assumes a new role at the University. The research adopted a qualitative approach, and is also applied research with the focus on practically applying new knowledge to solve problems that involve the interests of the Public University in question. The NIT as a support structure for intellectual property and technology transfer processes within the proposed structure will bring a new dimension to research laboratories and their relations with sectors outside UFES. Finally, it was observed that the structural model presented could provide a stimulus for members of the academic community, regarding the development of actions aimed at entrepreneurship, as it establishes the use of practical activities within the classroom. , which become dens of innovation.
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