Exploratory study of patients with high levels of ferritin (hyperferritinemia) treated at health services in the city of Bento Gonçalves - RS
serum ferritin, hyperferritinemia, Serra GaúchaAbstract
Serum ferritin is secreted by all cells. Therefore the blood test for its determination is the main test to detect deficiency or overload of iron in the organism, since its value is proportional to the available reserves in the same. Elevated ferritin levels usually indicate elevated levels of iron accumulation, early diagnosis and treatment are essential for the better quality of life of those affected. The objective of this study was to identify whether the population of the Bento Gonçalves microregion in the state of Rio Grande do Sul shows characteristics of interest for a more in-depth genetic research regarding the causes of hyperferritinemia. The data for analysis by letter of presentation of the research were pleaded, to doctors who usually investigate the values of serum ferritin. Afterwards, the retrospective data were filled in according to a standardized table, which did not contain a nominal identification field for the patients. The data requested included: patient age, sex, serum ferritin, complementary tests, suspected symptoms and diagnosis. A descriptive and frequency analysis was performed in an attempt to characterize the profile of hyperferritinemia patients. From the evaluation of the results, it was concluded that for a more complete analysis, the data of complementary exams, symptoms and retrospective diagnoses need to be standardized at the moment of the patient's consultation. The characteristics of the population of Bento Gonçalves and the region have a predominance of descendants of Italian immigrants that preserves many of the ancestral eating habits, suggests that a more in-depth study is relevant since this alteration usually presents causes by the interaction of several genes that can create a predisposition for disease, but whose effective manifestation depends on environmental factors. Thus, the relevance of the elaboration of a database that contributes information to the health professionals or genetic investigations with focus on the elevated serum ferritin was identified.
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