PIBID – UCS Physical Education: Paths Taken
Physical Education, Initial formation, initial yearsAbstract
Physical Education is an important curricular component for the integral development of the individual, since it contributes significantly to the integral development of children who are between the ages of 6 and 12 years of age. This article aims to present the actions developed by the Pibid Fellowships group of the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS), from 2014 to 2017. The subproject "Rediscovering Physical Education in the Early Years of Primary Education" involves 23 students of the graduate course in Physical Educatio given than at UCS - Campus de Vacaria, a professor-supervisor who graduated in Physical Education who works in the partner school and the coordinator of the teaching subproject of the graduate course in Physical Education at UCS. In addition, there are 10 teachers from the Initial Years of Elementary Education, graduated in different areas of knowledge, and 330 students attending preschool, from the 1st to 5th grade of the public high School of the State High School Professor José Fernandes de Oliveira, located in the county of Vacaria. It is considered that the Pibid contributed to the academics who are being inserted in the school culture, through the appropriation and reflection on instruments, knowledge and peculiarities of the teaching work. In addition to favoring an approximation of the Institution of Higher Education with the public school, it provided improvements in the quality of physical education teaching for the students involved in this subproject.
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