Government incentives for agrochemicals: environmental protection and human health jeopardized
agrochemicals, transgenics, incentivesAbstract
Theses created about state legitimation are as old as theses about power. We have known that the ideal of justice and protection is what supports, theoretically, the Themis and Leviathan in our century. So, this article forwarded to studies about incentives received by agrochemical industries, submerging security and synergistic impacts for uncertainties in the called risk society. This article raises questions as the evaluations about the toxicity levels of theirs active ingredients, and if it is considering the multiple exposures and effects/reactions of all assets interacting systemically in the organism. Nettles about contemporary principles and environmental benefits in the non-retrogression or intergenerational also make inquiries of this exposition. With the objective spark debate about the complexity of the assessments of the impacts of agrochemicals versus the state's position in a risk society, this work finds its justification in the widespread use of agrochemicals and doubts about its relations. Realizing the historical connections and the context involved, the problem brought meets the requirements about topicality and relevance with the necessary legal approach offered.
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