NP INSETOS - The Center for Research on the Biology, Control, Diversity, Morphology and Taxonomy of Insects at the University of Caxias do Sul


  • Wilson Azevedo Filho Universidade de Caxias do Sul


research, center, insects


The activities of the Research Center (RC) for Biology, Control, Diversity, Morphology and Taxonomy of Insects started on March 19, 2008. The main objectives of RC are the study of the following: 1 - insects relevant to agriculture (biological aspects, diversity, morphology and taxonomy); 2 - potential insect biological control agents (infection process and mode of action); 3 - insects relevant to forensics (biological aspects, diversity, morphology and taxonomy). The RC is composed of four permanent researchers, their coordinator, four collaborators, 12 visiting scientists and and one technician. Additionally, there are also several undergraduate and graduate students involved in the RC’s activities. The structure of the RC includes the following laboratories: Pest Control, Biotechnology Institute (UCS/Caxias do Sul); Entomology (Biological Sciences) (UCS/CARVI/Bento Gonçalves); and Entomology (Agronomy) (UCS/Caxias do Sul). The RC has three lines of research: I - Insects of agricultural and medical importance; II - Organisms relevant to pest control and III - Insects of forensic importance. The activities of the RC are fundamental to the integration of researchers from the University of Caxias do Sul with other national and international institutions, elaboration of research projects, preparation of publications (books, articles and others) and the dissemination of the research developed in cooperation with the scientific community.


AZEVEDO FILHO, W. S. Identificação de Cigarrinhas dos Citros no Rio Grande do Sul. Caxias do Sul: Universidade de Caxias do Sul, 2012 (Cartilha técnica).

AZEVEDO FILHO, W. S.; PALADINI, A.; BOTTON, M.; CARVALHO, G. S.; RINGENBERG, R.; LOPES, J. R. S. Manual de Identificação de Cigarrinhas em Videira. Brasília: Embrapa Informação Tecnológica, 2011. 95p.

AZEVEDO FILHO, W. S.; TOLOTTI, A. Os Insetos e a Ciência na Escola. Caxias do Sul: EDUCS, 2015. 84p.

AZEVEDO FILHO, W. S.; TOLOTTI, A.; CARVALHO, G. S.; MULLER, C.; BOTTON, M.; LOPES, J. R. S. Guia Ilustrado: Cigarrinhas na Cultura da Ameixeira. Pelotas: USEB, 2016. 135p.

SPECHT, A.; CORSEUIL, E.; ABELLA, H. B. (Org.). Lepidópteros de Importância Médica - Principais Espécies no Rio Grande do Sul. Pelotas: USEB, 2008. 220p



How to Cite

Azevedo Filho, W. (2017). NP INSETOS - The Center for Research on the Biology, Control, Diversity, Morphology and Taxonomy of Insects at the University of Caxias do Sul. Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science, 2(3), 35–39. Retrieved from