


Open innovation, Large companies, Startups, Canvas, Challenge


The engagement between large companies and startups, called Corporate Startup Engagement (CSE), is increasingly used as a corporate strategy in open innovation processes. In order to contribute to making the relationship between large companies and startups more assertive and collaborative, the article aims to present part of the research work carried out in the Profnit Master's Program, which aimed to develop a visual tool for the systematization of challenges companies in low-maturity interactions with startups. It is believed that the systematization of the main information that must be available in a corporate challenge, both to share it with the external environment – startup, programs, public notices, etc. – as in the internal environment, is important for the improvement of interactions. The Double Diamond methodology was used, with the application of management and design methods and tools, to develop the visual tool that was tested and validated in a workshop. It was concluded that approaches that allow the systematic survey and recording of corporate challenges using visual tools can collaborate to increase the success rates in engagement between large companies and startups.



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Author Biographies

Thais de Carvalho Larcher Pinto, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina []

Andréa Maristela Bauer Tamanine, Universidade da Região de Joinville - Univille

Universidade da Região de Joinville - Univille


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How to Cite

Pinto, T. de C. L., & Tamanine, A. M. B. (2023). CORPORATE CHALLENGE CANVAS: VISUAL TOOL TO SYSTEMATIZE OPEN INNOVATION CHALLENGES. Brazilian Journal of Management and Innovation (Revista Brasileira De Gestão E Inovação), 10(1).