


Value innovation, Public sector, Crowdsourcing, Ideas platform


In recent years, public institutions in several countries have used open innovation, especially challenges of ideas, aiming at greater collaboration of citizens in public management. However, there is a lack of deepening about the values ​​ added by these initiatives to organizations and citizens. In this research, we seek to deepen investigations in this context, using the “Value Innovation Radar”: a theoretical model, proposed by Martins et al. (2019), composed of four dimensions and twelve critical factors to assess the perception of innovation in public sector projects. The main objective is to apply the "Radar” model to identify the perception of value innovation by users of an idea management platform. It is an applied research, with exploratory-descriptive objectives, quantitative and qualitative approaches, and the unit of analysis is the “Uni Challenge+”. The results include the analysis and the exploratory-statistical discussion about the “Radar” factors. We conclude that the Collaboration factor does not meet the statistical suitability to evaluate the “Uni+ Project”. In addition, the academic community perceived the project as innovative in terms of openness and efficiency in capturing ideas, however, it did not realize, or did not receive the total necessary information about the effectiveness of the challenge, mainly associated with the implementation of the winning ideas in the process.


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Author Biographies

Teresa Cristina Monteiro Martins, Federal University of Lavras


André Luiz Zambalde, Federal University of Lavras



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How to Cite

Martins, T. C. M., & Zambalde, A. L. (2022). VALUE INNOVATION USING AN IDEA PLATFORM AT A BRAZILIAN UNIVERSITY. Brazilian Journal of Management and Innovation (Revista Brasileira De Gestão E Inovação), 9(3), 149–174.