Agile practices, Innovation projects, Systematic literature review, Software development, Hybrid approachAbstract
The preference for agile practices to manage projects comes from the software development field. Based on similarities between software and innovation projects, this article aims to present the academic approach of agile practices on innovation projects management. A systematic review of literature was adopted. The results were grouped into three topics according to the relationship between agile practice and innovation: (1) agile practices adopted in projects focused on innovation; (2) innovation as result of agile practices adopted to manage projects; and (3) innovative combinations of agile practices to manage software projects. The agile practices application in innovation projects not associated with software development were only 17% of the analyzed articles. The main contribution of this study is the evidence that the application of agile practices in projects provides similar benefits if its output is a software development or not. However, some adjustments are usually necessary, sized according to project´s output. They are bigger as the project´s delivery moves from digital concept to physical products such as hardware or manufacturing. The engagement and autonomy of project’s team are essential components in the process of adaptation to project´s needs. When agile practices are adopted, the literature also recommends waiting for a maturation period before performing efficiency and effectiveness measurements. Contributions of this article include a better understanding of the different relationships between innovation and application of agile practices.
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