Inconscious, mind and man: psichology and philosophy
This presentation aims to set up a comparison between the philosophy of the unconscious and the relative views of Freud's psychoanalysis and Jung's analytical psychology. Both have an important and unfortunately almost forgotten philosophical inspirer today Eduard von Hartmann, author of a monumental Philosophy of the Unconscious (Philosophie des Unbewussten, 1869). The fundamental conclusion of the examination is that the "unconscious" absolutely cannot explain the higher formations of the world of the spirit, such as religious ideas, the great speculations of philosophical thought and the highest productions of art. For these higher formations it is necessary to resort to a "Transconcious" which on the one hand imposes itself on the reflective and representative conscience with a very special force, but on the other it is devoid of the deceptive instinctual and passionate seductions of the turbid character of the unconscious.
Keywords: Unconscious. Mind. Man. Psychology. Philosophy.
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