Religion and education: elements for self-transformation of the human being


  • Amarildo Luiz Trevisan Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Gary Camargo da Luz Acadêmico do curso Licenciatura em Ciência da Religião, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



This illustration aims to present the contributions of religion, as an alert, to the distancing from different types of criminality. It identifies which benefits the religious experience, more specifically, the feelings of faith and religiosity. It brings to the person who is in a situation of delinquency and the margin of society, due to his acts committed against the norms established for the harmonious coexistence of society. In addition, it seeks to present social factors intertwined with the criminality situation, that is, elements that can contribute to the individual’s inclination towards disgrace. Therefore, in the execution of the present study, bibliographic research was used, based on books and scientific articles. In addition, theses and similar monographs were also consulted, whose main bases are the illustrations of the Frenchman, René Girard (1990), who presents his theories of mimetic desire and scapegoat. There is also support from other authors, among them, Friedrich Nietzsche (2014), Karl Marx (1983) and Jessé Souza (2018). Consequently, it presents several contributions that religion can promote to people who are in a situation of criminality, as well as sought to identify the role of religion within a society. Thus, the text aims to expose some of the contributions of religion that were found in the bibliographic research carried out, in order to understand how the feeling of faith and religiosity can benefit people in general, but also those who today, for certain reasons, are in an unfavorable situation, that is, in a situation of delinquency and also those who may be inclined to acts considered anti-social.
Keywords: Religion. Crime. Faith. Religiosity. Social factors.


Author Biographies

Amarildo Luiz Trevisan, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria


Gary Camargo da Luz, Acadêmico do curso Licenciatura em Ciência da Religião, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



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How to Cite

Trevisan, A. L., & da Luz, G. C. (2021). Religion and education: elements for self-transformation of the human being. Conjectura: Filosofia E educação, 26, e021042.