Education in the information society: contributions to an emancipatory practice




This article deals with education in the context of the information society, aims to identify challenges that fall on the educational field, especially with regard to the instrumentalization of education by capital, the implications that affect the training and teaching performance, as well as the influences of expansion information and communication technologies, reverberating in the current ways of conceiving educational processes. These challenges are evidenced in the light of Critical Theory, more specifically supported in the conceptual categories Bildung (formation) and Halbbildung (semiformation) by Adorno, in the essay Theory of Semiculture (2005). It comprises a bibliographic research, of an analytical character, which made it possible to dialogue with scholars from Theodor Adorno and from Critical Theory, defending the discussions around institutionalized semiformation and the failure of training in the face of the interferences of the cultural industry, as a way to resist oppressive forces and standardization requirements imposed by the current order. Believes that education in the information society is, in many respects, linked to neoliberal economic and ideological interests, resulting in semitraining, compromising the true mission of school education and of human training, resulting in semi-training, devaluation and emptying of importance of the educational institutions and your professionals. It concludes that utilitarian and pragmatic education contributes to the permanence of a social arrangement that leads subjects to critical inability, loss of identity, submission, insensitivity towards themselves and others, regression and limitation of human potential, that once alienated prevents the break with the processes of manipulation and standardization of behaviors that lead to barbarism.

Keywords: Education. Information society. Formation Semiformation. Emancipatory education.

Author Biographies

Cleonara Maria Schwartz, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Ufes)

Doutora em Educação pela USP. Professora Adjunta da Ufes / Centro de Educação / Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação (Ufes). Coordenadora do Grupo de Pesquisa Alfabetização, Leitura e Escrita, vinculado ao CNPq. Vice-coordenadora do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Alfabetização, Leitura e Escrita do Espírito Santo (Nepales).

Patrícia Veronesi Batista, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Ufes)

Mestranda em Educação, bacharel em Biblioteconomia, licenciada em Língua Portuguesa e Literatura de Língua Portuguesa e especialista em Oratória, Transversalidade e Didática da Fala para Formação de Professores (toda formação pela Ufes).


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How to Cite

Schwartz, C. M., & Batista, P. V. (2021). Education in the information society: contributions to an emancipatory practice. Conjectura: Filosofia E educação, 26, e021038.

