Literature and its modes of reading: the literary mediation for high school students


  • Alexandra Santos Pinheiro UFGD
  • João Vitor Oliveira UFGD



Literary reading, Reading Mediation, Reading Modes.


This article discusses reading workshops conducted with firstyear high school students from a public school and a private school in the city of Dourados/MS (Brasil). The workshops were constituted by texts that reconfigured the character Little Red Riding Hood over time, and the reading mediation aimed to seek, in the students’ interpretations, new readings about the texts: Little Red Riding Hood, in the versions of Charles Perrault and the brothers Grimm; besides the tale Green Ribbon on Hair – Nova Velha História, by Guimarães Rosa. The expectation was to understand the students’ ability to use the Reading Modes defended by Rildo Cosson (2014) as mechanisms to interpret literary texts in their inquiries during activities. Therefore, here we present the analysis of the audio transcriptions recorded during the Reading Workshops. The adopted methodology is based on the studies of Alves and Silva (1992) for qualitative analyzes. In the end, we conclude that students from public and private schools use Reading Modes for interpretations of literary texts, however, the former are more playfully attached to the texts, without resorting to literary theories for their interpretations, while the others, more knowledgeable about theories and concepts of literature, make their interpretations less personal and more practical. As a theoretical framework, we dialogue with Cosson (2014) and the Basic Education Curriculum Framework of the State Education Network / MS – High School (2012), among others.


Author Biographies

Alexandra Santos Pinheiro, UFGD


João Vitor Oliveira, UFGD



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How to Cite

Pinheiro, A. S., & Oliveira, J. V. (2022). Literature and its modes of reading: the literary mediation for high school students. Conjectura: Filosofia E educação, 27, e022001.