Tensor: what’s going on in the script?
This article touches on the concept of tensor sneaking through the linguistic plateaus of Thousand Plateaus, managing what Deleuze and Guattari potentiate in what happened?, and what do we seek to update in what happens? In this sense, we seek the articulation between what both concepts move: this, which happens in the relationship between two or more strata. We perceive that the tensor crosses the work of Deleuze and Guattari and, even if it does not exert a relief, it is there, strategically at work. Thus, we want to articulate with these starting concepts, a possibility to be able to inventory the immanent displacements of writing, as a way to bring together didactic-translatory procedures, which may be involved in a research, which wants to experiment in moments of invention. Therefore, we problematize a conceptual triad – tensor, what passes?, and writing, in order to enable perspectives of composition and functioning of an abstract machine that writes inventions. With the Machinery Research Method, we affirm the search for giving time and voice to a process of machinations, which may come to tension a symptomatological critique, doubly articulated with a machine-like clinic; an Organization Plan tensioned by an Invention Plan; and, in the intermezzo of these encounters, something passes, something can pass; and, thus, the traces of a writing still persist, enveloped and revolted in a recursive continuum: write-read-write. Along the way, we play the dice on a desiring board; we seek to open a path for the passage of writing procedures of invention, and we try a bet: to be able to tension the current-potential transitivity of linguistic, literary and scribal making.
Keywords: Education. Philosophy of difference. Research Machinery Method. Writing. Tensor.
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