Corporeal affinities:affective Neuroscience and empathy




In recent decades, neurosciences have reached considerable goals in understanding mental processes and human behavior, overcoming the classic separations between mind and body, reason and passion, penetrating the maze of our cognitive and emotional life to explain their rootedness in the body and the their interactions with the environment. And if until not many years ago psychological and neuroscientific research neglected the study of emotional life to focus only on cognitive functions tout court, today there is even a dedicated sector called affective Neuroscience. By broadly reconstructing the general panorama of neuroscience, and of the affective ones in particular, this essay focuses on the contribution that research on mirror neurons has made to understanding the mechanisms of intersubjectivity and above all that component of social cognition that is empathy. The goal is to understand how we recognize the emotions of others and to explain what the human ability to interpret the actions and intentions of others as if they were ours, to know better how we work and how we relate to others. Research on mirror neurons, within an embodied perspective, shows how the brain is an organ linked to a body that acts, moves and feels in its unceasing interaction with the world.

Keywords: Neuroscience. Affective Neurosciences. Emotions. Empathy.
Mirror neurons. Embodied cognition.


Author Biography

Rosalia Cavalieri, Università degli Studi di Messina



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How to Cite

Cavalieri, R. (2021). Corporeal affinities:affective Neuroscience and empathy. Conjectura: Filosofia E educação, 1, e021006.