Are we living the end of democracy? A defence of the ‘free’ time of the university and school in an era of authoritarian capitalism


  • Carl Anders Säfström Centre for Public Education and Pedagogy (, Maynooth University, Ireland



In this article I address education beyond individualism, elitism and instrumentalism and instead understand education as central for a democratic way of life. I discuss the role of education in the making of democratic forms of life in the university, in the school as well as in other contexts outside institutions. I argue for the importance of defending the “free time” of the university and school against a “time of production” as a defining characteristic of university and school. I will show how a time of production undermine the very possibility of education, and which therefore also tends to negate pluralist democracy.


Author Biography

Carl Anders Säfström, Centre for Public Education and Pedagogy (, Maynooth University, Ireland



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How to Cite

Säfström, C. A. (2020). Are we living the end of democracy? A defence of the ‘free’ time of the university and school in an era of authoritarian capitalism. Conjectura: Filosofia E educação, 25, 1–16.